Introducing another great presenter for #IamMex16

Hello Iamslickers,

We’ll start a new week with a new batch of presenters for #IamMex16. We hope you’re getting excited about the conference now!

Next up is Barb Butler and as a past president of Iamslic, we’re sure most of your will know her already. But for those who do not, please feel free to pop up to Barb for a chat. As you can tell she loves dogs, but also gardening, cycling, cooking, pets and just about any outdoor activity! She would also love to talk to new members about IAMSLIC and how to get the most out of this wonderful organization while getting to know some amazingly helpful colleagues!


Barb Butler has been an IAMSLIC member and the solo-librarian at University of Oregon’s Institute of Marine Biology for the past 25 years. She holds a BS in Biological Sciences and an MS in Range Management from University of California, Davis and received her MLIS from University of California, Berkeley. She enjoys using her science background in a library setting and in a one-person library has the opportunity to work closely with students, staff and faculty on all facets of library resources: reference, instruction, and collection development in marine science. Her research interests are open-access resources, core journal collections, collaborative collection development, data visualization via geo-referenced citations, and best practices for one-person and remotely located libraries. She is co-editor of the open-access resource Oregon Estuarine Invertebrates, the topic of her presentation this year. Barb is a past-president of IAMSLIC and has served on a number of IAMSLIC committees.

Title: Open access publishing: Oregon Estuarine Invertebrates
ABSTRACT: OIMB (Oregon Institute of Marine Biology) Director Jerry Rudy and his wife Lynn in conjunction with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The original edition was digitized and made freely available via University of Oregon’s institutional repository. Five years later the second edition, incorporating 30 previously unpublished species profiles, was made publically available as well. At that point each species description was published as a separate chapter in order to make it easier to update individual species accounts as needed. This open access resource has been well-used by OIMB classes and biologists in Washington, Oregon and California, but the content was 30 years out-of-date. In 2014-2016, with the help of a graduate student, the majority of the species descriptions were updated. Each of these individual species profiles will be combined to produce the third edition of Oregon Estuarine Invertebrates in summer 2016. The stepwise-approach to making an open access and perpetually updatable resource may serve as a model for other IAMSLIC libraries.

Social Media:


Posted by Stephanie Ronan on behalf of the communications team

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IAMSLIC 2016 #IamMex16 #ourPresenters

Welcome back everyone to our Presenter Introduction Slot.

Next up is the lovely Maggie Grabowska-Popow from Poland.

Besides library and Iamslic news, Maggie is looking forward to chatting to everyone about the history of Latin America, classical music, tourism, gardens and dogs, so please introduce yourself over coffee and have fun! :).


Maggie Grabowska-Popow, lives in Gdynia, Poland. She has a PhD and her specialization is history. She is interested in the history of Latin America, especially Peru. Maggie is married and has one grown-up son and one grandchild – Mark, who is 6 months old.

Maggie has worked in the National Marine Fisheries Research Institute since 1988. She began as head of the Editorial Department and is the head of the scientific library since 2006. National Marine Fisheries Research Institute is the oldest marine science center in Poland. It is 95 and so is its scientific library.
The Institute’s Scientific Library offers a unique collection in Poland dedicated to sea fisheries research. Since 1921, a rich collection of books, journals etc. has been built and it encompasses publications from numerous international publishers and organizations related to fisheries; the latter cover those of the FAO, ICES (a full documentation of the meetings), NEAFC, NAFO, CCAMLR, the International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission – IBSFC. Besides, the Library has collected a number of atlases, encyclopedias, dictionaries, keys for identifying fish and living sea organisms. During World War II the collections were taken to Germany, and after the War they were found in the library of Seefahrtschule in Hamburg. The books and periodicals were returned to Gdynia in 1946. They made up about 70% of the previous holdings. The present size of the collection is over 15500 books and 9500 volumes of journals, all dealing with sea fisheries research. The Library houses the traditional and electronic library catalogues. The readers also have access to many electronic bases: ASFA, SCOPUS, EBSCO, Springer, Wiley, Elsevier, Science, Nature, Web of Science. The library is a member of IAMSLIC (EURASLIC). The representatives of the library took part in many international trainings of IOC/IDOE and they take part in ODINECET project.

Title: Readership popularization in Poland: tradition and modernity

Abstract: Nowadays the readership in Poland has decreased in a very visible way. The state of readership is described and the methods of solving this problem, the old and modern ones are considered.

Library social media/sites:


Posted by: Stephanie Ronan on behalf of the communications team

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New Book about Information Use and the Science-Policy Interface

The Environmental Information: Use and Influence (EIUI) research team at Dalhousie University, Halifax is very pleased to announce that it’s new book, Science, Information, and Policy Interface for Effective Coastal and Ocean Management is now available from CRC Press (a division of Taylor & Francis). Edited by Bertrum H. MacDonald, Suzuette S. Soomai, Elizabeth M. De Santo, and Peter G. Wells, this book brings together an international group of over thirty authors who examined the multidimensional processes at the science-policy interface by which scientific information is incorporated into policy decisions. Fundamental concepts and principles of the interface, as well as case studies by governmental and non-governmental organizations, increase understanding of the role that scientific information plays in decision-making for the management of the world’s coasts and oceans.

For more information, please see an overview of the book and a report of the book launch on the EIUI’s website.

EIUI book cover

[posted by Steve Watkins on behalf of Maria Kalentsits and Suzuette Soomai]

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Iamslic 2016 Conference: Introducing the speakers

Dear All,

The IAMSLIC communications team would like to introduce you to our speakers for our 42nd Iamslic Conference in Mérida, Mexico on the 16th-20th October 2016.

Over the next few weeks we’ll introduce you to two or three speakers a week to whet your appetite for the conference ahead. So please tune into this blog each week and tweet and retweet our links from @iamslicorg #IamMex16. We’ve included a photograph of all our speakers to accompany their short biography, this should help you recognise more people at the conference. Our speakers have all volunteered to make themselves available for a chat over breaks and have included their interests, so we should all have something in common to talk about.

It’s shaping up to be an excellent conference; I’m sure those of you who have booked already are very excited. For those still deciding on their options, I’ve no doubt these talks will sway you and we’ll see you in Mérida!

In no particular order, our debut presenter introduced here is Jaime Goldman:


Jaime Goldman is the Librarian III at Nova Southeastern University’s Oceanography Library, where she manages all aspects of the library’s operation. She earned her BS degree in Marine Science and Biology from Coastal Carolina University, MS degree in Marine Biology and Coastal Zone Management from Nova Southeastern University, and her MS degree in Library & Information Science from Florida State University. Combining her experience and education in the marine and library sciences, Jaime enjoys working as a subject specialist at the Oceanography Library, where she has the opportunity to work closely with students, researchers, and faculty to meet their education and research needs. Jaime is especially involved in reference, research, instruction, online tutorials, ETDs, budgets, and collection development. Jaime is currently serving as the SAIL representative to IAMSLIC through 2017.

Title: Discourse on data: research data management
Abstract: This round table discussion aims to explore challenges and opportunities related to building and maintaining research data management (RDM) services in scientific institutions. Possible discussion prompts include: outreach and engagement, building expertise and training, data management plans, RDM tools, keeping up with funding agency requirements, and storage solutions. People attending who have RDM services in their institution should be ready to discuss their experiences and lessons learned. Attendees who are interested in starting RDM services at their institution should consider possible starting points and potential issues with service implementation so that the group can discuss and workshop possible solutions.

Please feel free to come talk to Jamie at the conference! She is especially interested in SCUBA diving and exploring new places!

Library social media/sites:

Personal Twitter account: ScubaDive’nLibrarian @JaimeGoldman


Posted by: Stephanie Ronan on behalf of the communications team

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Early IAMSLIC registration rates end soon

Register now for the upcoming IAMSLIC Conference before registration fees increase on 1 September!

Early registration is open until 31 August for the 42nd Annual IAMSLIC Conference and 3rd Latin American Regional Group Meeting to be held 16-20 October in Mérida, Mexico. Please visit the Registration page on the conference website for further information about costs and options before registering.

You should also make your hotel reservations as soon as possible.

We look forward to seeing you in Mérida soon!

–Steve Watkins, 2016 Conference Convenor

–Irene Beltran, 2016 Conference Local Host


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2016 Conference registration is now open

Registration is now open for the 42nd Annual IAMSLIC Conference and Latin American Regional Group Meeting to be held 16-20 October in Mérida, Mexico. Please visit the Registration page on the conference website for further information about costs and options before registering.

Because October is a busy conference month in Mérida, please consider making your hotel reservations as soon as possible, even if you are not yet registering for the conference at this time.

If you have applied for an IAMSLIC travel grant, please do not register for the conference until you have received notification regarding the award of a grant from Kris Anderson, IAMSLIC President. Most travel grants will cover conference registration but decisions on the awards are not yet final.

We look forward to seeing you in Mérida this year!

–Steve Watkins, 2016 Conference Convenor

–Irene Beltran, 2016 Conference Local Host

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Take the IAMSLIC Survey!

Good day.

Have you attended any IAMSLIC Annual Conference (1st to 41st)? If YES, please spare us a little of your time in answering this survey. We are conducting a study about the factors which motivates your attendance to IAMSLIC Annual Conference.

Attached is a pdf form just in case you have trouble viewing or submitting the online form: Conference Attendance Survey

The survey is open until July 31, 2016.

Rest assured that your responses will be handled with the utmost confidentiality.

Daryl Superio and Kris Anderson

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New book co-authored by IAMSLIC/SAIL member

I am pleased to share that our very own Michelle Leonard has co-authored a book on user-driven acquisition!

ML book

Implementing and Assessing Use-Driven Acquisitions

A Practical Guide for Librarians


This enlightening new book in the Practical Guides for Librarians series presents the practicalities of developing, implementing, and evaluating use-driven acquisition (UDA) in academic and special libraries, from the multi-dimensional perspectives of collections, acquisitions, and e-resources. Now that UDA is a proven method of collection management being utilized by an array of libraries around the globe, the need for a straightforward, uncomplicated guidebook is more essential than ever.

Kudos Michelle!


Thank you,

Jaime Goldman, SAIL Rep

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Call for Proposals for 2016 IAMSLIC Conference

Dear IAMSLIC Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that the Call for Proposals for the 42nd IAMSLIC Annual Conference is now open. The conference theme is Traditional Knowledge and Modern Information Practice and we welcome presentations of all types related to the theme, as well as other topics related to libraries and information centers.

Some potential topics:

  • The role of traditional knowledge in modern information practice
  • How historical data can inform decisions
  • Cultural elements of fisheries information and management
  • Managing scientific data
  • Innovations in library user services
  • Creative uses of technology
  • Channels for sharing ideas and innovations
  • Keeping IAMSLIC relevant
  • Successful library partnerships

Please send your abstracts by April 30, 2016.

  • An abstract is required for consideration by the Program Committee.
  • Oral presentations are typically allotted 20 minutes, not including questions.
  • Submissions may be for papers, posters, workshops or panel sessions.
  • NEW THIS YEAR: You may also propose a topic on which you would like to lead a 30-minute small group discussion during breakout sessions.
  • Conference registration is required in order to present an accepted paper.
  • All submissions will be reviewed for relevance to the conference theme, potential interest of the topic for members, and appropriateness of format.
  • Abstracts must be received by April 30, 2016 to receive priority consideration with the committee’s responses following in approximately 30 days.

Submit your proposal using the Proposal Submission Form or visit the Call for Proposals page on the 2016 Conference website.

We look forward to receiving your proposal and hope you will be able to join us in Mérida in October.

Steve Watkins
IAMSLIC President-Elect and Conference Convener

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Water, Water, Everywhere: Defining and Assessing Data Sharing in Academia

Amanda Whitmire has a paper out in PLOS ONE on data sharing at OSU.  It is open access and the link to the full-text is below.

Congratulations Amanda!

The paper provides some good background for the discussion Amanda is facilitating “Data and Technology in the Marine and Aquatic Library” at the Cyamus meeting being held in a couple weeks at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo (Cyamus 2016 Conference).

–Joe Wible, librarian emeritus

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