Hotel reservations now being accepted for Annual Conference 2017

The Ala Moana Hotel in Honolulu, HI will be the site of the 2017 annual conference. Bookings in the IAMSLIC room block are now being accepted. Click here for the booking website:

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Changing of the Guard at Hopkins Marine Station

In August Dr. Stephen Palumbi will be stepping down as Director of Hopkins Marine Station after 9 years of service.  He will continue teaching, doing research, and mentoring graduate students at Hopkins.  During his tenure as Director he was a great spokesperson, promoting the lab around the country and the world.  His sleuthing into the Station’s origins resulted in a renewed commitment by main campus to take financial responsibility for maintenance of the Station’s facilities.  This translated into major renovations to the Harold A. Miller Library among many other projects.

Dr. Mark Denny will assume the mantle of Director starting in September.

Joe Wible, Librarian Emeritus

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More sponsored memberships and new application form

I am pleased to announce that the IAMSLIC Executive Board has approved an expansion to the IAMSLIC-sponsored memberships that are available to new IAMSLIC members. For a number of years IAMSLIC has offered a limited number of one-time three-year sponsored memberships free of charge to new members from low and middle income countries. As described on the Join IAMSLIC page, similar one-time one-year sponsored memberships are now also available to new members from high income countries. Up to five sponsored memberships may be awarded in each category each year.

Please help recruit new members by sharing this news with any and all librarians, information specialists and library school students you meet!

In addition, there is a new online IAMSLIC Membership Application Form linked from the Join IAMSLIC page that makes it easier to apply for membership.

Steve Watkins
IAMSLIC President 2016-2017

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New kelp & algae resource page from CA Fish & Wildlife

photo by R. Flores-Miller
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has produced a new web resource for kelp and other marine algae that provides information on commercial and recreational algae harvest, historical commercial harvest data, results of annual aerial kelp surveysand links to the datasets, reports including CEQA documents and CalCOFI fishery reviews, and information on commonly harvested marine algae…read more

— Joe Wible

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Euraslic Newsletter

The new issue of EURASLIC Newsletter, No 45 (2016)
is freely available at EURASLIC Newsletters page.


We hope you’ll find it interesting and informative!

Sofija Konjevic, Euraslic Newsletter editor

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Finally presenting our President and host for #IamMex16

Dear all,

The day has finally come, today we open #IamMex16. Welcome to Merida everyone! We hope you enjoy the drinks reception this evening and meet lots of interesting fun people. Don’t be shy, walk up and introduce yourself, everyone is super friendly. If I were able to go to Mexico this year, I’d say ‘come talk to me’, but unfortunately I have to watch from the side lines like so many of us. However, one person you must talk to is our next speaker, our president, Kristen Anderson. We guarantee you will be met with a smile and she will help make your introduction if you are struggling.


Kristen Anderson is our current IAMSLIC president and is coming to Merida from the University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School of Medicine. Aloha Kristen. After 24 years as a science reference librarian, she assumed the directorship at the University of Hawaii’s Health Sciences Library.  She has an awesome staff and gets to work with the most motivated people!  She finds that librarianship is fun again. Sadly Kristen is removed from main campus so she can’t actively participate in IAMSLIC’s resource sharing which she believes is one of our two best activities.  The second is the Aquatic Commons.  She loves IAMSLIC so much because its a group that actually does service and has created a product that is useful to more than just librarians.  IAMSLIC is her favourite library organisation. The picture, Kristen tells us, is a joke created by one of her librarians when she found a reference that 3 of the staff could not find.  They entitled it ‘Queen of Finding’ as she had made a comment about not wanting to be the queen of searching.

When Kristen is not at work she likes to play in the water – she has an assortment of toys like a kayak, body boards, surfboard but needs a SUP.  She is also a season ticket holder for University of Hawaii women’s basketball and volleyball.  Go Bows! Plenty there to strike up a conversation with Kristen about at IAMSLIC this year 🙂
Kristen is co-presenting this year with Daryl L. Superio, the other half of the fun duo!

Daryl L. Superio is a Senior Information Assistant at the Library and Data Banking Services Section, Training and Information Division, Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC/AQD) located in Iloilo, Philippines. He is also a part-time faculty member of the Central Philippine University in Iloilo City, handling cataloging and classification and indexing subjects. He is an Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstract (ASFA) Board Member, the current Chairman of the IAMSLIC Resource Sharing Committee, and one of the editors of Aquatic Commons responsible for deposits from Asia. When you see Daryl at the conference, you can chat to him about movies and anime, and also he is a certified One Piece fan.

Title: Factors Affecting the Attendance of IAMSLIC Members at IAMSLIC Annual Conferences

Abstract: The paper reports on results of the research that was conducted to determine the factors which affect the attendance of IAMSLIC members at IAMSLIC annual conferences. Findings of related studies revealed that librarians as well as other professionals attend conferences for professional development or advancement. Moreover, attendance to a conference is affected by some factors which may either be internal and/or external to the attendees such as conference location, professional and social networking opportunities, educational opportunities, safety and health situation, and travelability. The paper found that among IAMSLIC members regardless of regional group affiliation professional and social networking opportunities, and educational opportunities were the most important factors, while the conference location was of least importance. Specifically, IAMSLIC members attended the annual conferences because it gave them the opportunity to develop a professional network, keep-up with the current trends and development in the profession, communicate with colleagues and friends, and to listen to respected speaker. Additionally, members’ financial situation was also an important indicator of his attendance. Comments and suggestions for the development/improvement of future IAMSLIC conferences are also included.

Our final speaker introductions go to the host country and you will definitely see Teresa de J.  Barriga Ramírez over the week in Merida as she is helping to organise the conference. Great job Teresa. Teresa will be presenting a poster along with her two colleagues Laura Margarita Pérez Rojas and José Luis Ortíz Galindo all from the Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, CICIMAR-IPN, Mexico.


Teresa de J.  Barriga Ramírez Maestra en Gestión de Información por la Universidad de La Habana,  con créditos de la Maestría en Bibliotecología por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM, y Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Comunicación por la UAM-Xochimilco,  México, D.F. Desde 1993 a la fecha se ha desempeñado como Coordinadora de los Servicios Bibliotecarios en la  Biblioteca “Reuben Lasker” del Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas del  I.P.N., donde los desafíos profesionales constantes los aborda con buena actitud, dedicación y constancia, cualidades con las que se identifica.
Tiene experiencia como instructora de cursos de capacitación y actualización bibliotecaria, ha participado en varias reuniones y  congresos a nivel nacional e internacional sobre temas relacionados con  cooperación bibliotecaria, biblioteca virtual y enseñanza a distancia. Tiene publicados algunos artículos en revistas nacionales e internacionales académicas y de divulgación sobre los temas antes referidos.
Disfruta las actividades al aire libre, la música, el baile y la conversación.
Laura Margarita Pérez Rojas Ingeniero en Sistemas Computacionales, responsable de la Unidad de Tecnología Educativa y Campus Virtual del CICIMAR-IPN,  con  diplomado de formación y actualización docente y en Gestión de la Calidad en programas de posgrado. Ha desarrollado varias aplicaciones en el control de información digital que han sido premiadas por el IPN. Además tiene experiencia en impartir cursos utilizando TIC y ha participado en reuniones y congresos  a nivel nacional e internacional.
José Luis Ortíz Galindo Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas por la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM, profesor-investigador del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, director de tesis de posgrado y de proyectos de investigación en el área de las Ciencias Marinas, cuenta con participaciones en congresos nacionales e internacionales.
Teresa J. Barriga Ramirez has a Master in Information Management from the University of Havana, with credits of the Master of Library Science from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UNAM, and Bachelor of Science Communication at UAM-Xochimilco, Mexico, DF. From 1993 to date she has served as Coordinator of Library Services at the Library “Reuben Lasker” the Interdisciplinary Center of Marine Sciences of the IPN, where the constant professional challenges, along with the good attitude, dedication and perseverance are qualities identified amongst herself and the staff.
She has experience in instructor training and keeps upskilling, she has participated in several meetings and conferences at national and international level on issues related to library cooperation, virtual library and distance learning. Teresa has published some articles in academic journals and national and international outreach on the aforementioned issues.
Chat to Teresa as the conference, she enjoys outdoor activities, music, dancing and conversation.
Laura Margarita Pérez Rojas is a Computer Systems Engineer, head of the Educational Technology Unit and Virtual Campus CICIMAR-IPN, with graduate teacher training and refresher and Quality Management in graduate programs. She has developed several applications in controlling digital information that have been awarded by the IPN. She also has experience in teaching courses using ICT and participated in meetings and conferences at national and international level.
José Luis Ortiz Galindo is a Doctor in Biological Sciences Faculty of UNAM, professor and researcher at the National Polytechnic Institute, director of graduate theses and research projects in the field of Marine Science, has interests in national and international conferences Sciences.
That’s it, have a super conference everyone and watch keep an eye on the blog for the daily round-ups.
Posted on behalf of the communications team by Stephanie Ronan
Title: Mexican marine libraries two decades of transformations: the case of the “Reuben Lasker” CICIMAR-IPN library
Abstract: This paper outlines the transformation of library services, through the development of Internet and information and communication technologies. Libraries in institutions of Mexican higher education and especially the Library “Reuben Lasker” CICIMAR-IPN have developed activities and making decisions, which show evidence of the metamorphosis based on their own experiences. It arises from the impact on the exchange of information support, as well as the organization and how to access them, recognizing a more active user that demands knowledgeable librarians that promote access to services and collections to the virtual through various electronic devices. It also describes digitization projects and information management made to renew services, such as BIDITESIS, SIPRES, and AmonPro. These projects have concretized through partnerships, commitments and agreements between librarians and other information professionals and scientists from the institution itself as well as groups, associations and related external institutions and especially IAMSLIC and IODE to address training and support the challenges of virtual information. Finally, due to the economic crisis libraries are facing in academic institutions the librarian must assume an attitude of change in the classic role as information broker. They should give advice to teachers and researchers, promoting open access encouraging the use of repositories and data mining among others. Otherwise it may be overtaken by technological advances; therefore they must support academic librarians of institutions and alliances. This will allow marine libraries to dock in port of success and triumph.


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Animal lover Lucrecia delighted to meet all on Sunday for #IamMex16

Hi all,

We’re back again with some more presenters to introduce you to before Sunday. Lucrecia Felquer hails from Argentia and was last on our list for introducing…until we got a few more last minute biographies to present to you. Who ever said librarians were organised? 🙂  We better push on and get introducing as we know many of you have planes to catch and last minute packing to do! While the rest of us await (green with envy) on tid bits of information from social media, including the @iamslicorg twitter account, the blog, the website and updates from our colleagues about how the conference is going. Have an amazing conference those of you in Mérida and please keep up in the loop as we watch on!

We will endeavour to get the remaining introductions on the blog tomorrow.


Lucrecia Viviana Felquer is the Coordinator of the Agronomy & Veterinary Library and of the Northeastern Institute of Ichtyology, Northeastern National University (UNNE), Argentina where she manages all aspects of the library’s operation. She earned her BS degree in Library and Sciences Information and at present she is a student of the PH degree at the University of Granada, Spain. Besides, she teaches the subject Users Studies in the Library and Sciences Information Career at the Humanity Faculty depending from UNNE. Lucrecia enjoys very much helping in their information needs to students, researchers and external users. She also collaborates in the scientific edition at the Revista Veterinaria committee, a journal of the Veterinary Faculty, UNNE. Lucrecia is currently serving in the IAMSLIC Nominating Committee through 2016.

Please feel free to come talk to Lucrecia at the conference! She is especially interested in users needs, behaviors and satisfaction, scientific edition and even in new services and products of academic libraries. She also enjoys reading, nature, trees, flowers and any animals specially, dogs, butterflies and humming birds, they are all frequent in her garden. Lucky Lucrecia!

Title: User terms vs controlled terms

Abstract: The proposed discussion deals with the user representation in the searching and retrieving systems. The studied user belongs to the academic and research fields and it is interested in agricultural and ichthyology information. This user mainly interacts among documents, data, information and new knowledge as a potential modificator of language and communication. Thus, it must be in discussion the way the user searches and the terms she/he uses. Used terms have been identified and compared with those included in the ASFA and AGROVOC Thesaurii and user’s terms were identified and have been matched with those terms included in the controlled vocabularies. Mostly used terms have showed no association with those of the thesauri. This is what I would like to discuss with my colleagues who are specialists and interested on this subject.


Posted on behalf of the communications team by Stephanie Ronan


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Hopkin’ that it will be a great conference for our next #IamMex16 speaker

Dear all,

Wow it’s the final Friday before the conference! Exciting times ahead for #IamMex16. Don’t forget to do your homework on our speakers and have a browse through all these blog posts before the reception on Sunday evening, so you’ll recognise a few friendly faces and have something to chat about.

…And although the programme says ‘Dinner on own’ for Sunday-Tuesday, please don’t take that literally. As you’ve seen from these posts over the last few weeks, the IAMSLIC community are a friendly bunch, open to conversation and a bit of fun. So please, ask at the drinks reception if anyone has any dinner plans and include yourself :).


We still have a few speakers to tell you about. Next on the list is Amanda Whitmire, coming to you fresh from the depths of the ocean…

Please feel free to come talk to Amanda at the conference. She is especially interested in: data management and sharing; data curation; open science; data literacy instruction; and fiber arts of all kinds.


Amanda Whitmire is an oceanographer by training and a librarian by chance. She is Head Librarian and Bibliographer at the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University. She earned a B.S. degree in Aquatic Biology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Ph.D. in Oceanography from Oregon State University. Amanda is responsible for the day-to-day management of a marine biology branch library, and most enjoys the data-related aspects of her position. These include training faculty and students in research data management best practices, keeping current with the ways and means of open scholarship, and curating both the historical and contemporary data collections of the Hopkins Marine Station. Amanda is currently working on a 23-year oceanographic time-series that started in the 1950s. She is looking forward to participating in Software Carpentry instructor training this fall.

Title: Amanda will take part in a panel discussion on ‘The evolution of library space: a conversation about how library design supports our scholarly communities’

Abstract: The shift toward digital scholarly content has liberated space in the library that can now be dedicated to users rather than collections. On university campuses, this shift has largely resulted in the creation of “learning commons” areas that are focused on supporting the needs of undergraduate students. In the realm of specialist libraries and information centers however, our user base is skewed toward faculty and graduate students whose needs may be different than those of the general undergraduate population. How have we redesigned our spaces to accommodate their evolving needs? This panel discussion will address our observations on changing user needs, and how we have responded with changes to our spaces. We will focus on the unique needs of our communities, the realistic lifecycle of a remodel process, and will include a discussion of both helpful suggestions and pitfalls to avoid. We expect to engage with the audience on this topic to include them in the discussion.

Social Media: Twitter @AWhitTwit  @HopkinsMarine


Posted on behalf of the communications team by Stephanie Ronan

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Argentine Silverio anticipates Mayan conversations for #Iammex16

Hello again,

To get everyone into the mood for Mérida, we introduce our next speaker coming from Argentina Silverio Ortiz. Silverio is very social and looks forward to meeting everyone at #IamMex16. Don’t miss a chance to have a chat with him, although best not to mention River Plate! This librarian is a big Boca Juniors fan and likes playing the guitar and singing Argentinean folk music. He likes drinking Mate and wines. Silverio is a country man at heart and loves the country side and riding horses as he raises a few cows with his father. Silverio also enjoys studying one of the native endangered languages spoken in Argentina, and teaches that language to children at primary school. He would love to hear the Mayan language from Yucatecan speakers in Mérida, and see how they preserve the knowledge and local culture. We think Silverio is really going to enjoy this conference!


Silverio Ortiz is a librarian of the National University of Comahue (Argentina) since 1994.  From 2008 to 2015 he was the chief of the IBMPAS Library in San Antonio Oeste, Patagonia Argentina. He joined IAMSLIC in 2009 thanks to the suggestions of the INIDEP Library colleagues. Since that, he has learnt and made the most of working in a collaboration context and sharing resources through marine research institutions. Silverio attended several courses on Marine Data and Information Management, and acquired skills to implement digital library services. Nowadays, he works in the implementation of the University’s open access policies and a digital library at the Faculty of Languages (UNCo). Also, he isthe manager of two academic journals.

Title: The impact of collaboration activities in ILL Services: 5 years of IAMSLIC membership benefits from libraries worldwide (2010-2015)

Abstract: The IBMP/UNCOMA Library (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) in Argentina has been member of IAMSLIC since 2010. Before the membership, marine information management was traditionally carried out by researchers who were used to request the information to the document’s authors or Institution. Since the IBMP became an IAMSLIC member, the traditional requesting activities were replaced by an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service performed by the Library that improved the flow of requested articles by means of the resource sharing among member libraries worldwide. This poster shows the requested documents evolution; lending libraries rank; and the global distribution of items and institutions throughout 5 years of membership (2010-2015) as a result of the impact of cooperative activities between libraries.

Social Media: Facebook as Silver Ortiz

Silverio sends ”Un abrazo para los Amigos y Amigas de IAMSLIC!” 🙂

Posted on behalf of the communicatsions team by Stephanie Ronan

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Showcasing collaborative research from Westpac for #IamMex16

Dear all,

We’re at the final countdown to #IamMex16. We hope your travel preparations are going well, don’t pack too much in those cases, as we’ve a suspicion you might do a little shopping in Mérida!

Enjoy our final speaker introductions over the next few days. We’re presenting a great duo from the Philippines and Viet Nam next with Stephen Alayon and Dang Thi Hai Yen.


Stephen B. Alayon is the Acting Head of the Library and Data Banking Services Section, Training and Information Division, Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC/AQD) located in Iloilo, Philippines. He is also a part-time faculty member of the University of San Agustin and the Central Philippine University in Iloilo City. He finished both his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Master of Education (Mathematics) degrees at the University of the Philippines in the Visayas. He is currently pursuing his Master of Library and Information Science degree at the Central Philippine University. He is the incumbent executive vice president of the Philippine Librarians Association Inc. (PLAI). He held various awards such as PAARL Outstanding Academic/Research Librarian 2012, ASLP Citation Award for Excellence in Research 2013, PLAI Distinguished Service Award 2014 and SLA Asian Librarian Award 2014.

SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department Institutional Repository (SAIR) –
PAARL Outstanding Academic/Research Library Program 2012

SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department Library and Data Banking Service Section –
PAARL Outstanding Academic/Research Library 2016


Dang Thi Hai Yen hails from Nha Trang city in Viet Nam. If you see Hai Yen at the conference you can have a chat about traveling, acrylic painting, and swimming.

Hai Yen works at the Viet Nam Institute of oceanography since 1997. The Institute’s library founded in 1922 is a specialist oceanographic library. It is famous for the collection of original historical books on oceanography of the world, published during the 18th and 19th centuries. She benefits from having very friendly colleagues in the library.
Hai Yen graduated from the Pedagogical University, majoring in teaching French in elementary school. She started work in the library as a translator French-Vietnam. In 2001 she received a fellowship from The Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) for a one month training course for library management training at ICLARM – World Fish Center in Penang, Malaysia. There she met Ms. Kamsiah Mohd Ali – the Information Service Manager of ICLARM, her first teacher for DDC classification, LC classification and thesaurus ASFIS. New opportunities are always presenting themselves in the library world and the teachers of Ocean Teacher/IODE give her the experiences she needs to engage in these activities, especially help with preserving ancient documents, digitising documents, and inspire her to try new endeavors.
Hai Yen happily became a member of PIRG – IAMSLIC at the 40th IAMSLIC Conference in Noumea – New Caledonia. She hopes for an open connection and sharing of information among marine libraries from the Westpac Ocean. Her motto is Working together to make a difference – Working together for a better future


Dang Thi Hai Yen and Stephen B. Alayon will co present their paper.
Title: Availability of oceanographic expeditions and marine data on Westpac: Role of aquatic and marine libraries and institutions in the Westpac region
Abstract: The Western Pacific region is of vast social and economic importance with over 70% of the population living in and relying economically on coastal areas, and with approximately 54% of the world’s GDP generated from this region. This region also has the greatest global concentration of coastal marine biodiversity with more than 75% of all known coral species, 53% of the world’s coral reefs, more than 3,000 fish species , and the greatest extent of mangrove forests of any region in the world. Collaborative researches and programs have been conducted among scientists, institutes, and countries in the Western Pacific on oceanography, environment, marine biodiversity, conservation and health of ocean ecosystems. Data collected and analyzed in these initiatives have contributed to further understanding of the oceanographic, biological and geological characteristics of an ocean or sea. These works provide a valuable tool, figures, historical data and foundation for sustainable fisheries programs in the future. This papers aims to present various international marine research programs and initiatives between Westpac countries and the availability of scientific reports and publications. The inventory of publications will include cooperative study, oceanographic and marine scientific research expedition and joint survey of the Southeast Asia and its ecosystems (biodiversity, species composition etc.) and conservation. Availability of these publications and scientific reports will be check on different libraries, websites and institutional repositories. It is essential to share these documents and publications, which require the support and cooperation of libraries and its institutions. Identification of significant works and publications for possible inclusion to the Aquatic Commons and Database of IOC/IODE will be explored.

Social media:

Facbook: Đặng Hải Yến

Twitter: @stpnalaun

Posted on behalf of the communications team by Stephanie Ronan

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