New Member in India

The following information is provided by Thottathil Silaja who will be including CIFT serial holdings in the Union List. A big welcome from the Membership Committee.

General Information about the library

The Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT) set up in 1954 is the only national center in India where research in all disciplines relating to fishing and fish processing is undertaken and the library attached to the Institute provides information support to the research workers in the field. CIFT library has an extensive collection of published literature in all subject areas related to harvest and post harvest technology of fish. It also provides wider access to information in the digital form. At present library has 11855 books and subscription to 93 current periodicals. The library website can be found at http://library/

Member Details
Silaja T, Library: Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT)
CIFT Junction, Willingdon Island, Matsyapuri P.O., Cochin, Kerala 682 029, India
Other Information:
Presently working as T-6 (Technical Officer) and had 22 years of working experience in CIFT Library. Her present duties include library management and planning, technical services and development of network based library information services. She is also responsible for ASFA input from CIFT.

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IODE – 50th Anniversary

March 20-26, 2011 – IODE will be holding its 50th Anniversary meeting and the Twenty-first Session of the IOC Committee on IODE in Liège, Belgium. IODE “International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange”
Best wishes from Iamslic,
Marcia Croy-Vanwely
Iamslic President

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Conference travel support proposals

This is a call for Conference Travel support proposals. Iamslic has small amount of funding to help Iamslic members travel to this year conference. For instructions please refer to the Iamslic website page for instructions:
Marcia Croy-Vanwely
Iamslic President

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Cyamus Meeting on Tsunami Alert

Those of us attending the Cyamus conference at the Hatfield Marine Science Center were awoken this morning before 5 am and evacuated in anticipation of a possible tsunami. Most of us drove 5 miles inland and are waiting it out at the Toledo Fire Station. We are hoping to be able to return to Hatfield at 10 am once the danger has passed.

Joe Wible
Hopkins Marine Station

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Cyamus Meeting

The Cyamus regional meeting is being held this week in Newport, Oregon at the Hatfield Marine Science Centre. Brian Voss, president, has organised an interesting programme.
Marcia Croy-Vanwely
IAMSLIC, President

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New Editor-in-Chief of ASFA

Helen Wibley (Fishery Information Officer, FIPS) has been appointed to succeed Richard Pepe as Fishery Information Officer in charge of the ASFA Secretariat and as Editor-in-Chief of ASFA.

Marcia Croy-Vanwely, IAMSLIC President

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Media Lending Library – California Coastal Commission

Did you know that the California Coastal Commission has a free media lending library for California educators?  They have a great selection of ocean- and water-themed DVDs and have just added several wonderful music CDs from the Banana Slug String Band and others.  Please check out!

Joe Wible

Hopkins Marine Station

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Editorial Review Board

This board will be responsible for reviewing the deposits that come into the Aquatic Commons. It will comprise of 4 members: Jean Collins, Stephanie Haas, Lisa Raymond and Pauline Simpson.
Marcia Croy-Vanwely, IAMSLIC President

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SAIL 2011

The SAIL group will be having our annual meeting at Texas A&M University at Galveston hosted by Natalie Wiest. The conference SAIL 2011: Into the I of the Storm; Information Resources Undergo a Sea Change, will take place April 5-April 8, 2011. For more information, please visit the conference page

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Aquatic Commons Board 2011-2013

My sincere appreciation on behalf of the IAMSLIC members goes to the retiring Aquatic Commons Board members who have contributed their time and expertise over the last 4 years: Stephanie Haas, Jean Collins, Pauline Simpson, Frederic Merceur, Lisa Raymond, Helen Wibley, Linda Pikula and Peter Pissierssens.

The 2011-2013 Aquatic Commons Board members:
Chair – Joan Parker
IAMSLIC Junior vice-president: Maria Kalenchits
IAMSLIC Member at large: Andrea Cristiani
IAMSLIC Technical representative: Hardy Schwamm
IAMSLIC Regional representative: Sally Taylor
ASFA/FAO Liaison – Armand Gribling
IODE representative: Linda Pikula
IAMSLIC President (ex-officio): Marcia Croy-Vanwely

For more information:

IAMSLIC President

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