EURASLIC 17-20 May 2011

The 14th Conference is being held this week in Lyon, France. On behalf of IAMSLIC I hope the conference is a great success. It is a time to not only learn from the presentations but from your colleagues.

Marcia Croy-Vanwely
Iamslic President

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New IAMSLIC Members

Please join the Membership Committee in welcoming the following new members:

Marta Villa
Centro de Documentacion, INVEMAR

Ana Margarita Padron
Grupo de Trabajo Estatal Bahia de la Habana, Biblioteca,

Ann Dreolini
Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre

Michelle Leonard
University of Florida, Marston Science Library

Jane Martin
Regional Library Central and Region, Fisheries and Oceans

Hardy Schwamm
Freshwater Biological Association Library

Esther Obachi
College of Biological & Physical Sciences, University of Nairobi

Karin Bengtsson
Directorate of Fisheries, Institute of Marine Research

Martin Gjervik
Directorate of Fisheries, Institute of Marine Research

Kristian Seteras
Directorate of Fisheries, Institute of Marine Research

Jaime Goldman
Nova University Oceanographic Center Library, Florida

Roberto Rey Herrera
Ingenieria Ecologica de Panama, S.A.

Isledy Fernandez
Instituto Nacional de Pesca

Sin Joan Yee
Pacific Islands Marine Resources Information System (PIMRIS)

Xiaoyan Sun
Library, National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS)

Alisun DeKock
John G. Shedd Aquarium Library, Chicago

Nerisa Kamar
UN Habitat, Nairobi

Viviane Osta
Marine Research Center, National Council for Scientific Research

Kristin Culp
Thomson Reuters, Philadelphia

Tehena Kone
Universite de Cocody Library
Cote d’Ivoire

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Aquatic Commons-new publications

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New Institute of Aquatic Sciences in Cameroon

The Membership Committee welcomes Olivier Tabodo as contact for this new institute and IAMSLIC members who can offer publications etc. are encouraged to contact him (

The Institute of Aquatic Sciences of the Univeristy of Douala at Yabassi, was created in 1993, but opened its doors in 2010. The Institute has a batch of 209 students and the first graduates connected to the BMD system are expected next year. The Institute is offering professional training of higher education not only for Cameroonians but for the central Africa as a whole in five departments of which Aquaculture; fisheries management; fish processing and quality control of fish products.
As you know, librairies and books are difficult to handle in the context of a low income country like Cameroon, which is spending huge amount of money for fish imports while there is a huge potential in water ressources favorables to aquaculture and fisheries. Students of our Institute will be well off from having access to the library.
I would therefore be very grateful if you could kindly accept our Institute as member of IAMSLIC to take advantages of the many benefits involved.
Please accept my sincere regards.
Dr MEKE SOUNG Pierre Nolasque
Deputy Director, Institute of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
The Univeristy of Douala, PoBox: 2701, DOUALA, Cameroon.

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E-Articles in “Marine Mammal Science”

I noticed the April 2011 issue of Marine Mammal Science has 7 e-articles and 1 e-note listed in the table of contents of the print issue.  I may be the only one still getting this journal in print, but I thought it was worth pointing out that the print no longer covers all the articles published by the society.  I am used to supplemental material only being available online.  I also know some societies have dropped their print for online only.  I find it a bit odd to continue to produce a printed journal when 40% of the articles in the issue are not actually in the print journal.

Joe Wible

Hopkins Marine Station



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Iamslic Minutes 2010

The draft minutes of the 2 Business Meetings and of the 2 Executive Board Meetings, that were held in Mar del Plata Argentina, have now been posted to the website under Members Access-Meeting Minutes. 

Marcia Croy-Vanwely
Iamslic President

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Call for Grant Proposals

Project-related grant proposals will be accepted from members not affiliated with a regional group. Travel grants will be accepted from all IAMSLIC members seeking support from the Guin Fund to attend the annual IAMSLIC conference. For proposal details and format go to: 
Deadline extended 15 April 2011

Marcia Croy-Vanwely
Iamslic, President

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SAIL 2011

The SAIL regional meeting is being held next week at Texas A&M University in Galveston hosted by Natalie Wiest.  SAIL 2011: Into the I of the Storm; Information Resources Undergo a Sea Change, will take place April 5-April 8, 2011.
The program is well organised and should be most valuable to attendees.
Marcia Croy-Vanwely
Iamslic, President

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Call for Conference sites proposals

The Conference Site Selection committee is now accepting proposals for the Annual IAMSLIC conference in 2013 (a location in SAIL); 2014 (a location in PRIG); and possible host sites in the EURASLIC region for the 2015 conference.
Your proposals should be addressed to Daria Carle, chair of the committee, at:
Marcia Croy-Vanwely
Iamslic, President

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Free books from NHBS to developing countries

This may have been posted to the IAMSLIC blog before, but I don’t remember and it is probably worth repeating if only for the benefit of new members. Natural History Book Service offers a “Gratis Book Scheme”. Below is text from their web page which can be found at:

Joe Wible
Hopkins Marine Station


The aim of this scheme is to provide ecology and conservation books to those from outside Western Europe, North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand who would otherwise be unable to obtain them. The simple purpose of this scheme is to spread ecological knowledge as widely as possible.

This scheme is a collaboration between the British Ecological Society (who pay for the postage), the NHBS Environment Bookstore (who co-ordinate and organise the distribution) and the publishers and authors of the books (who provide the books for free). We plan to provide a number of books per year. They will usually be distributed three months after the book has been published. Individuals may request the book for themselves or suggest the book for others. It is likely that some of these schemes will be oversubscribed: all applications will be considered together and the available copies will then be awarded to those considered most able to benefit from them.

The first title to be distributed under the Gratis Books Scheme was William J Sutherland’s Conservation Handbook. Over 3000 copies have been donated. The number of recipients per country can be viewed here.

We regret that gratis books are not available to students currently doing degrees in Western Europe, North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. They are also not available to those from Western Europe, North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand but currently working outside those areas.

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