Reminder: Call for 38th IAMSLIC Conference presentations

Dear colleagues,

We would like to remind you that the Call for Conference Presentations is open until March 30, 2012.

The submission deadline for poster presentations is extended until April 30, 2012.

Proposals for panel discussions are also welcome.

For complete details, including what to include in your proposal, please see the conference website.

Thank you very much and looking forward to seeing your proposals.


Maria Kalentsits & the Program Committee


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US National Biological Information Infrastructure

The US NBII is scheduled for termination as of January 15, 2012. This has been a collaborative US project to provide access to information and data on natural resources. The datasets involved are varied. Some will be maintained by partner institutions ; for example, the Seabird Ecological Assessment Network is housed at the University of Wisconsin. Others will be dropped such as the Marine Habitats Website. Time will tell if we loss access to important data.

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Happy Holiday

With the arrival of the winter holiday season and the new year about to begin, I would like to extend my best wishes and thanks to each and every one of you for your hard work, perseverance, and friendship. 

I am proud of what we have accomplished this year in IAMSLIC and I am confident that we are well positioned, whatever challenges and change 2012 may bring, to continue this success.

Merry Christmas! Happy holidays, and my best wishes for a Happy New Year!

IAMSLIC Past President 2011-2012


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IAMSLIC 38th Annual Conference, 26-30 August 2012 and Cyamus 24th Annual Meeting, 24-25 August 2012 “Exploring New Frontiers in Aquatic Sciences Information Management”

Dear Colleagues,

The planning for the 38th IAMSLIC Conference is proceeding well. I am glad to invite you to take a look at the conference website. This is going to be a wonderful event and we hope many of you will be able to participate.

The Call for Paper Proposals is now open and the proposal deadline is Friday, March 30th, 2012. We invite submissions of proposals for papers, posters, workshops, and panel session.

Some potential topics:

  • Patron-driven acquisitions
  • Electronic books
  • Mobile devices and social networking
  • Digitization projects & copyright
  • Beyond the institutional repository – innovative uses or creation of tools. What comes next?
  • Citation management tools
  • Cited searching (the new Google Scholar Citations tool)
  • Data services/Data librarianship
  • Discovery Services
  • Research commons
  • Collaborative projects with scientists – either using librarian skills in scientific research (this might include data management) or creating science from library materials
  • Proving the value of the Library or changing the role of the Library to stay viable

For complete details, including what to include in your proposal, see the conference website.

Please email conference proposals to by March 30, 2012.

We look forward to receiving your proposal and hope you will be able to join us in Alaska in August 2012.

 May I use this opportunity to wish you a wonderful Holiday Season and a New Year of peace and happiness!

Maria Kalentsits

IAMSLIC Vice-President/Convenor IAMSLIC 2012

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Pacific Ocean Library

The Center for Ocean Solutions (COS) Pacific Ocean Library is a unique resource housing scientific articles, reports, government publications and gray literature on the Pacific Ocean’s greatest threats, environmental and socioeconomic impacts, and potential solutions for the region. Designed for managers and researchers worldwide, regardless of affiliation, the library provides timely research and foundational readings on the Pacific.

Joe Wible
Hopkins Marine Station

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Job Opening – Science Data Librarian

Science Data Librarian
Stanford University, Branner Library

Job ID – 45169
Salary – 3P1
Date Posted – Oct 19, 2011

Position Title: Science Data Librarian

Classification: Assistant Librarian or Associate Librarian. This position is double posted at the 3P1/3P2 levels. Compensation and rank will be based on relevant qualifications and experience.

Appointment Date: As soon as possible.

Responsible to: Assistant Director of Geospatial, Cartographic and Scientific Data & Services

The Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources (SULAIR) invite applications and nominations for the Science Data Librarian. This is an Academic Staff appointment, rather than a faculty-tenured position. Applicants should apply via: Please supply a cover letter, a complete statement of qualifications, a full resume of including education and relevant experience, and the names and addresses of three references with knowledge of one’s professional qualifications for this position.

The person in this position will work with faculty, staff, students and SULAIR colleagues to collect, manage, curate, provide access to and assist in the analysis of science and engineering data. The Librarian will help with the active management of scientific content acquired by the libraries, and produced and used by Stanford researchers, in order to enhance its preservation and access now and into the future. This position provides an opportunity for a self-motivated entrepreneur to help develop a new program at one of the world’s leading research institutions.

The Librarian is a member of the Science and Engineering Resource Group (SERG) and participates actively in the Group’s programs. SERG’s focus is to remake the traditional science libraries into more responsive, dynamic, and flexible information centers. This is being carried out through a series of initiatives in which the Science Data Librarian will be an integral part. Innovative ideas and an ability to adapt to and create change are highly valued skills for the person in this position. In short, the Librarian will be an energetic and flexible colleague who is looking towards the future and wants to be an integral part of creating a new model of digital stewardship.

Specific Responsibilities:

1. Develop, implement, document, and assess strategies, roles, workflows and policies for scientific data curation across SULAIR. Given these strategies, determine priorities and next steps in coordination with stakeholders across the university.

2. Develop an approach and create liaison efforts to partner with the engineering and sciences faculty, students and staff in the collection, curation and reuse of data.

3. Develop and implement a SULAIR service strategy for the life-cycle management of data in conjunction with the relevant stakeholders within the Libraries. Communicate this service strategy to non-SULAIR stakeholders and coordinate activities where appropriate.

4. Work with the Digital Library Systems and Services (DLSS) group in developing data models and system architectures to guide the development of ingest, registry, and repository workflows for the submission and preservation of science and engineering data.

5. Work with Technical Services, DLSS and other stakeholders in the development and implementation of metadata schema for use with these data through choosing, adapting and enacting standards where able.

6. Provide direct consulting, educational and reference services to faculty and students related to the collection, preservation and use of data, including meeting funding agency data management requirements. This would include one-on-one meetings as well as classroom instruction, workshops, presentations, etc.

7. Collaborate with the other science and engineering librarians to assure coverage of a wide variety of data for numerous disciplines. Bridge with Humanities and Social Studies initiatives in SULAIR and outside efforts as appropriate.

8. Work in conjunction with members of SULAIR and the faculty to identify and apply for grant funding possibilities for pilot projects and build out of systems to support scientific data curation.

9. Represent SULAIR within and outside of the University on issues related to the position; monitor and participate as appropriate in the emerging field of professional data curation.

10. Maintain an awareness of data and metadata requirements, practices and standards as they are adopted by various communities including other universities, government agencies and domain groups.

11. Introduce and advocate for practical and effective data management practices and strategies specifically for collections purchased or licensed through SULAIR.

12. Create and maintain an education- and service-oriented web presence representing the data program.


1. Knowledge of and interest in academic or research libraries and the research environment in major universities are required. An understanding of the research process as demonstrated by academic or work experience desired.

2. A degree in engineering or the sciences is required. Advanced degree and/or research experience in engineering or the sciences recommended.

3. Demonstrated expertise in data management or information science. This would preferably take the form of direct experience with data curation/management, but could include an M.L.S/M.L.I.S. degree with an emphasis on data management.

4. Project management experience strongly desired. Ability to manage time and multiple projects in a complex, changing environment with a positive, flexible, creative, and innovative attitude is highly desired.

5. A demonstrated understanding of the issues involved with data management/curation, including format migration, preservation, metadata, data retrieval and use issues, etc. Experience with one of the commonly used repository platforms (Fedora, DSpace, ePrints) is desired.

6. Strong understanding of information technologies and data are desired. Effective use of current technologies, an interest to stay abreast of technological advances, the ability to acquire new technological skills and resolve problems in a resourceful and timely manner is required.

7. Demonstrated potential to make professional accomplishments relevant to the responsibilities of this position is required. These may include scholarly publications, teaching, and library-related publications and presentations.

8. Demonstrated capacity to work effectively and collegially with staff at all levels as well as with faculty and students is required. Ability to perform effectively in and contribute successfully to a diverse, multicultural workplace environment is also required.

9. Ability to thrive balancing between independent thought and working with sensitivity to an existing organizational framework.

10. Evidence of the ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, is required. Strong analytical and organizational skills are required.

11. Web skills desired.


The libraries of Stanford University consist of roughly eight million volumes and over 400 staff members and include the University Libraries system and five “coordinate” (school or institution) libraries. The Stanford University Libraries consist of a main research library (Green Library) and twelve research branch libraries serving the sciences, social sciences and humanities.

The Branner Earth Sciences Library and Map Collections is one of six science and engineering research branch libraries that form the Science and Engineering Resource Group. Branner has primary responsibility for providing services to the faculty, students, and staff within the School of Earth Sciences. Branner also provides GIS/Maps services to the entire Stanford community. The collection contains approximately 250,000 volumes, 275,000 maps, and 2,200 serial subscriptions. The budget for collections is approximately $480,000 and includes numerous endowed funds. The staff consists of 3.50 FTE professional staff and 2.5 FTE support staff plus student assistants.

The Science and Engineering Resource Group is part of the Collections and Services Program and reports to the Associate University Librarian for Science and Engineering Libraries.

Stanford is committed to the principles of diversity and encourages applications from women, members of ethnic minorities, and individuals with disabilities.

Julie Sweetkind-Singer
Assistant Director of Geospatial, Cartographic and Scientific Data & Services
Head Librarian, Branner Earth Sciences Library & Map Collections
Stanford University
397 Panama Mall; MC 2211
Stanford, CA 94305

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New IAMSLIC Members

Please welcome the following new IAMSLIC members.

Rodrigues, Alberto
Library: Investigação Pesqueira (INIP) de Angola., Luanda, Angola

Ame, Mary-Clare
Library: SPC-Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Noumea, New Caledonia

Goovaerts, Marc
Library: Bibliotheek Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium

Kasu, John
Library: Papua New Guinea National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby

Kilemba, Lucas M.
Library: Mombasa Polytechnic University College, Kenya

Fromm, Christina
Library: Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Marine Tropenoekologie Gmbh, Bremen, Germany

Cordonnier, Monique
Library: Agence de L’Eau Artois-Picardie, Douai Cedex, France

Hainrick, Jennifer
Library: College of Micronesia, Learning Resources Center, Pohnpei FM, Federated States of Micronesia

Thull, James
Library: Montana State University – Bozeman, USA

Wilson, Melanie, Oak Park, IL, United States

Pajusalu, Liina
Library: Estonian Marine Institute, The University of Tartu, Tallinn

Posted by: Jean Collins on behalf of the Membership Committee

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Welcome new IAMSLIC Officers

On behalf of the IAMSLIC Nominating Committee I would like to welcome our newly elected officers.

President: Sally Taylor, University of British Columbia

Secretary: Maureen Nolan, University of Washington

We extend our thanks to all of the candidates willing to run and serve.

Barb Butler

IAMSLIC Nominating Committee
Barb Butler
Geoffrey Salanje
Guillermina Couslich
Eirikur Einarsson
Richard Pepe
Priscilla Maigu
Jennifer Walton

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Zanzibar IAMSLIC Conference

We are missing Lenora who is always so good about documenting what is happening at IAMSLIC conferences. People are still trickling in, many reporting travel adventures both good and bad. Cancelled flights and 12 hour layovers in the Nairobi airport challenged some attendees. For others who had long layovers, the airline put them up in a nice hotel and gave them free meals.

Yesterday we had a nice tour of Stonetown which included visiting old underground slave holding cells, a walk through the central market and shopping district, and time in the museum which once was the highest building in Africa and affords nice views of the city.

We return to our hotel and had time to refresh and dress up for the wonderful reception Edna has arranged with plenty of great food, drinks, and a DJ playing music for dancing. There are photos somewhere documenting me in long pants and a tie as I dresses to meet the Tanzanian dignitaries who were a no-show (family illness).

Today we get to work.

Joe Wible
Hopkins Marine Station

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Conference countdown

The hotel gave IAMSLIC a great deal for the hotel rooms for our conference and that price will be soon. Please book now. If you are having any problems getting through to the hotel let Edna, Amy or Marcia know immediately.
Our email address are on the Conference website at:
In addition, check out the page on the site called: Before you pack.
If you or your guests are registered then their names should be on the Attendees list, if they are not please contact us.
Wish you all could be in Zanzibar for this our first conference in Africa!

Marcia Croy-Vanwely
IAMSLIC President

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