Will your marine lab survive when sea level rises?

For those of us working at marine labs, we are by definition on or near the ocean. Check out the following URL. You can find your marine lab on the map and then see if it will be underwater when sea level rises by 1 meter, 2 meters, 3 meters, etc.


Joe Wible
Hopkins Marine Station

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News: New journal on librarianship

Inaugural Issue of Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly
Communication Released!

The inaugural issue of the Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly
Communication (JLSC) is now available (http://jlsc-pub.org/jlsc/),
featuring open access, peer-reviewed research, about library-led
scholarly communication initiatives, online publishing and digital
projects. Journal content is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution license. The journal is a not-for-profit endeavor,
published by Pacific University Library. In support of open and
equitable opportunities for authors, JLSC does not charge article
submission or publication fees.

“Because libraries are actively working to shape the scholarly
communication sphere, there was a need for this important work to be
specifically represented in the literature. JLSC meets this need by
providing a dedicated ‘home’ for librarians to share their ideas about
institutional and digital repositories, open education initiatives,
library e-publishing services, authors’ rights advocacy efforts, data
curation and other emerging issues,” says editor Marisa Ramirez (Cal
Poly, San Luis Obispo).

JLSC is open to experimental formats and innovative alternatives to
the traditional publishing system.

“We welcome original research and practitioner experience papers, as
well as submissions in alternative formats, like audio, video, code,
datasets and other formats. To the extent possible, we also hope to
use JLSC as a testbed to reflect emerging approaches in this field,
such as new forms of peer review and alternative metrics for measuring
impact” says Isaac Gilman (Pacific University), editor. “As the roles
of libraries and librarians continue to evolve, JLSC will be the place
to learn about developments in scholarly communication,” adds Gilman.

Marisa Ramirez (Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo) and Isaac Gilman (Pacific
University) co-edit the journal in collaboration with an editorial
board comprised of experienced and respected library practitioners.

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Update on Canadian Federal Library Closures

The email Joe posted on Canadian Federal Library Closures contains misinformation. Environment Canada IS NOT closing any libraries. The Canadian Library Association has revised its press release (http://www.cla.ca/AM/TemplateRedirect.cfm?template=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=12920) and apologized to the Head Librarian of EC.

-Janet Webster

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New IAMSLIC Members

Please welcome the following new IAMSLIC members :

Williamson, Kelsey(SAIL)

Library: Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), Division Newport, Newport, USA

Peckover, Rachel (SAIL)

Library: American Society for Microbiology, Washington, USA

Otero , Alessandra

Library: Sea Grant Program, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico

Kovatcheva, Pavlinka (AFRIAMSLIC)

Library: University of Johannesburg, Kingsway Campus, Auckland Park, South Africa

Yusta, Sara (Latin America)

Library: Universidad Catolica de Temuco, Temuco, Chili

Posted by : Marie Pascale Baligand on behalf of the Membership Committee

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Major Periodical Subscriptions Cannot Be Sustained at Harvard

The problem of journal prices is an old one, but it was interesting to read that even Harvard is finding the current situation untenable.  Check out this Faculty Advisory Council Memorandum on Journal Pricing.


Joe Wible

Hopkins Marine Station

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IODE OTA Training Course: Grant writing (for digitization projects)

Dear colleagues,

Below is the IODE OceanTeacher Academy Training Course announcement. Please note that the deadline for submitting applications is extended until April 20th 2012.

Best regards,
Maria Kalentsits


Dear colleague,

 We are pleased to inform you that the period for applications for the following Training Course is open between 5 March and 20 April 2012:

 • Grant writing (for digitisation projects), which will be held in Ostend, Belgium, between 17-21 September 2012.

We therefore invite you to share this information amongst potential interested candidates in your country.

The courses’ description, topics covered, learning outcomes and prerequisites are available at www.oceanteacher.org and www.iode.org.

 Interested candidates can register for the course by following the instructions described at OceanTeacher Academy website, under Registration.

 Registration implies the submission of the following documents:
– Application form
– CV
– Endorsement letter (in case of asking for sponsorship)

Both full- and co-sponsoring are available for a limited number of participants. Sponsored participants will receive one or a combination of the following cost items: 1) air ticket, 2) living and accommodation support, 3) tuition fee and 4) medical insurance.

 The selection of participants who will be sponsored will take into consideration:
– Applicant country’s development status (preference will be given to LIFDCs)
– Endorsement of the candidate’s application by his/her employer and any co-sponsoring
– Expected impact of the training for the applicants’ institution
– Possibility of any co-sponsorship

 Co-sponsorship is an asset for selection.

Complete applications should be sent by e-mail directly to the OceanTeacher Academy Training Coordinator within the deadline. We underline that the deadline for registration for the aforementioned course is 13 April, 2012.

Kind regards,

Claudia Delgado
Ocean Teacher Coordinator, IOC Project Office for IODE
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC)
Wandelaarkaai 7/61
8400 Oostende
Tel: +32 59 34 01 58
Fax: +32 59 79 52 20 or Fax: +32 59 34 01 52
E-mail: claudia.delgado@iode.org



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38th IAMSLIC Conference: Deadline for presentation submissions extended until April 30, 2012

Dear colleagues,

The planning for the 38th IAMSLIC Conference in Anchorage, Alaska is progressing well. Our Programm Committee has already received a good number of interesting paper and discussion workshop proposals and  some additional proposals can still be considered by the Committee for inclusion into the Conference Programme.

We would like to inform you that the deadline for presentation submissions has been extended until April 30. For those of you who have considered submitting but haven’t yet done so, now is the time.

For complete details, including what to include in your proposal, see the conference website.

We are looking forward to receiving some more presentation proposals and meeting you at the conference.

Best regards,

 Maria Kalentsits & The Program Committee

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Job Posting – Metadata Analyst, Stanford University Libraries

Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources (SULAIR) is looking for a Metadata Analyst to help curate datasets from selected domains, with a primary focus on describing these information resources to enable management, preservation, discovery and re-use. The goal of this hands-on position is to advance SULAIR’s capacity and the Stanford response to the NSF Data Management Plan mandate by developing strategies through practice to curate data efficiently and effectively. The candidate will, over the course of a 2-year term project, work across the Digital Library Systems and Services group, other staff in the Metadata Unit, and user-facing library personnel to create and sustain a general workflow for submission of science and engineering data into the Stanford Digital Repository. Working with pilot data sets and use cases from GIS and other domains, the selected candidate will help produce and enter the metadata necessary to populate the repository and access systems. In doing so, s/he will also produce a landscape view of the metadata needs, roles, tools, standards and processes necessary to provide and scale data services throughout the Stanford University Libraries. Standard operating procedures and best practices for dealing with non-MARC metadata in the context of scientific data are ideal outcomes. The position will be supervised by the Science Data Librarian.

Throughout the life of the project there will be opportunity for interesting sub-projects that will include: creating, remediating and working on ingest models for the Stanford Geoportal, an online search engine for geospatial data, and its supporting Spatial Data Infrastructure; working with Stanford faculty and researchers to acquire, transform and ingest the metadata for their data into the Stanford Digital Repository; working with other metadata experts on in-depth examination of data-set- and domain-specific schema, mappings and crosswalking amongst standards; and data transformations across library systems. For each of these, the Metadata Analyst will apply expertise, methods and tools to digital materials deposited by Stanford researchers into the Stanford Digital Repository. S/he will also help identify requirements and specifications for, and validate development of, a next generation metadata toolkit for the description of data sets and geospatial resources. S/he will also assist in specifying the fields and attributes for domain-specific forms for the deposit of digital resources into a Hydra-based Stanford Digital Repository user interface. Projects will be decided based on faculty interest, subject specialist availability, the interests and skill set of the applicant, and needs as they emerge.

To apply for the position, please go to jobs.stanford.edu and search for Job ID 46849.

Joe Wible
Hopkins Marine Station

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2nd Reminder: Call for 38th IAMSLIC conference presentations

Dear colleagues,

If you are considering paper or poster at the IAMSLIC conference in Alaska please note that the submission deadline is quickly approaching. The Planning Commitee is looking forward to receive your submissions for proposed papers and panel discussions by March 30, 2012 (the deadline for poster proposals is extended until April 30, 2012).  A list of some suggested topics is available on the conference website .

We hope you will be able to join us in Alaska.

Best regards,

Maria Kalentsits

Chair/Convenor IAMSLIC 2012

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SAIL Conference 2012

SAIL is holding its annual conference on April 10-13 at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy in Buzzards Bay, MA.
Carla Robinson, SAIL Representative

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