2012-13 Summary of Resource Sharing Statistics

In July of each year, I collate and summarize the resource sharing statistics from the IAMSLIC Distributed Library project. 2012/13 represents the eleventh complete year of the resource sharing program. A total of 4322 requests were submitted during 2012/13, an overall decrease of 17% from the previous year. A total of 43,023 requests have been submitted via the system since its inception in 2002.

The resource sharing program continues to be broadly international in scope, with 75 different IAMSLIC lending libraries in 26 countries receiving borrowing requests from 124 IAMSLIC libraries in 45 countries, similar to previous years’ numbers. 33 (44%) of those 75 lending libraries are in the United States and they received 68.2% of the total requests, the highest percentage since 2004/05. Libraries in Germany, Australia, Mexico, Canada, India, Argentina, the Philippines, Belgium and Colombia collectively received 27.9% of the borrowing requests.

The Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University (U.S.) regained its status as the top lending library this year, followed by Hatfield Marine Science Center of Oregon State University (U.S.), the Alfred Wegener Institut in Bremerhaven (Germany), the Pell Marine Science Library at the University of Rhode Island (U.S.), and the University of Hawaii (U.S.).

Overall activity across the Regional Groups is more balanced than in recent years, although EURASLIC and SAIL still conduct much of their regional interlibrary loan activity via their discussion lists, so the number of transactions via the Distributed Library does not reflect the full volume of resource sharing in those regions. The Latin American region continues to make active use of the resource sharing program while contributing a substantial amount of lending in return, including an significant percentage of requests filled within the region. Of particular note is the increase in activity in the Pacific region where members from 6 countries constituted 20.3% of all borrowing, while members from 3 of those countries contributed 8% of overall lending. (Note that these numbers include India and Malaysia which are not part of the formal geographic boundaries of the Pacific Islands Regional Group).

The complete set of data is available on the Distributed Library website via the Resource Sharing Statistics link at http://library.csumb.edu/iamslic/ill/. It includes a spreadsheet for each year that offers charts and additional analysis of lending and borrowing patterns. I encourage you to look at the 2012/13 numbers and will be glad to answer any questions you may have about the data.

Steve Watkins
California State University, Monterey Bay, Library

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Aquatic Commons upgrade

The software upgrade of ePrints to version 3.3.11 is underway. Next Tuesday and Wednesday (June 25 and 26) there will be intermittent periods when the repository will be totally offline. In addition, editing and depositing has now been suspended until the upgrade is complete. The repository will fully re-open by Friday, June 28th.
On behalf of the Aquatic Commons Board and its editors, I would like to extend my thanks to Adi and Peter for scheduling this much needed upgrade well before our annual conference.
Joan Parker, Chair
Aquatic Commons Board

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Two librarian openings

Please share this announcement with any colleagues who might be interested in applying for these positions. Note that the desired qualifications include background in the sciences. The deadline for priority screening is 1 August 2013.

–Steve Watkins

Reference and Instruction Librarians (2)

The Tanimura and Antle Family Memorial Library of California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) seeks two (2) full-time, tenure-track Reference and Instruction Librarians. The positions offer creative opportunities for forward-looking, pragmatic, motivated individuals who seek opportunities and experience across a variety of professional responsibilities, while developing areas of focus with the potential to take on leadership roles.

CSUMB is a comprehensive public university committed to serving the diverse people of California, especially the working class, historically under-served, and low income populations. The library’s mission is to help prepare knowledgeable, resourceful and responsible citizens for California and the global community by facilitating active exploration, discovery and synthesis of information. As a teaching library, its faculty librarians manage and deliver active, outcomes-based instructional programs. The design of the library co-locates library services with campus programs that support student learning, including writing, peer-tutoring, advising and undergraduate research.

View the complete job listing and links to information about the University.

Apply for this job

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IAMSLIC conference registration is now open

Dear IAMSLIC members and friends,

We are in the process of finalizing the program for the 39th IAMSLIC Annual Conference “Visualizing a Bright Future” but are pleased to announce that registration is now open!

Please review the information on the registration page before registering. Note that guests must be registered separately.


If you have questions about registration, please contact the IAMSLIC registration team at iamslicreg@gmail.com

After you’ve registered, don’t forget to book your accommodation at the Hollywood Beach Marriott.

On behalf of the planning committees,

Sally Taylor, Conference Convener
Jaime Goldman, Local Host

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Call for Volunteers for the Joint IODE/IAMSLIC GE-MIM

Dear IAMSLIC members,

 At the 39th IAMSLIC Conference in Alaska, a proposal was made by Peter Pissierssens, Head of the IODE Project Office and Linda Pikula, GE-MIM Chair, to establish the Joint IODE/IAMSLIC Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (IODE/IAMSLIC GE-MIM).  Following the recommendation by the established Task Force, this proposal has been approved by the Executive Board and by the membership. Participants of the 12th session of GE-MIM (January 2013, Miami, FL, USA) have discussed and addressed major points of concern raised by the Task Force and drafted the Recommendation for Establishment of the Joint IODE/IAMSLIC GE-MIM (Recommendation_IODE-XXII.1). This Recommendation has been adopted by the IOC Committee on IODE at its 22nd Session (March 2013, Ensenada, Mexico) and will be submitted to the Session of the IOC Assembly (June 2013) for approval. The Recommendation contains the Terms of Reference for the joint GE-MIM (please find attached an extract from the IODE Session Report ).

 The Executive Board is now looking for four (4) IAMSLIC members having expertise in marine information management  who are willing and able to serve for the Joint IODE/IAMSLIC GE-MIM:

 ·         2 short-term members with 2-year term of service (2013-2015);

·         2 members with 4-year term of service (2013-2017).

 This is your chance to apply your professional knowledge and expertise contributing towards identifying and addressing marine information issues at international level.

 You can propose yourself or another IAMSLIC member. We would be grateful to hear from you  by Monday, June 3rd. Please contact me at maria.kalentsits@fao.org

Maria Kalentsits

IAMSLIC President 2012-2013

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Call for grants – deadline approaching

Dear colleagues,

This is a quick reminder that the Call for Grants has been announced with a deadline of 27 May 2013.

IAMSLIC members who are thinking of a small project that would improve library’s services or have submitted a proposal for a paper or poster for our next conference in Dania Beach, FL, USA  are now encouraged to apply for funding help.

 For proposal details and format please see our website at: http://www.iamslic.org/activities/grants

 Proposals should be sent to IAMSLIC President at: maria.kalentsits@fao.org

 Best regards,

 Maria Kalentsits

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IAMSLIC conference – second call for proposals

If you considered submitting a proposal for the 2013 IAMSLIC Conference and didn’t get around to doing so, you still have a chance!

The program committee is now accepting a second round of proposals until May 31, 2013.

The following themes are of particular interest.

  • Graphical information – data visualization, geo-referencing, information graphics, mash-ups, presenting statistics or survey results
  • Changes in collection management – demand driven acquisitions, ebooks, shared print repositories
  • Changes in publishing – mergers, Open Access, Open Data
  • Embedded librarianship – e.g. member of research team, library skills integrated into curricula
  • Mobile environments/technologies

Please review the conference home page and the Call for Proposals and then send your proposal to sally.taylor@ubc.ca

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Janet Webster receives OLA Distinguished Service Award

Janet has also been the acting director of the Hatfield Marine Science Center, which isn’t mentioned in the press release.

Message from the Oregon Library Association:
To: Oregon State University Libraries
From: Oregon Library Association Honors, Awards and Scholarship Committee
Re: Press Release regarding Oregon Librarian of the Year Award
Date: April 29, 2013

OLA Distinguished Service Award
The Oregon Library Association has awarded Janet Webster, Hatfield Marine Science Center Head Librarian, the 2013 OLA Distinguished Service Award. This award is given to an Oregon librarian or library staff member for exceptional service over many years. Webster is being recognized for her decades of outstanding leadership in a wide array of community and library organizations. She has been a particularly effective advocate for federal, state and local policy and legislation which allows libraries to better serve their communities. The OLA awards are announced each year at the association’s annual conference (held this year as a joint conference with the Washington Library Association). OLA is the state association of library professionals comprised of 1200 members pursuing a mission to promote and to advance library service through public and professional education and cooperation.

Congratulations, Janet!

Barb Butler

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Call for Grants – deadline May 27th, 2013

Dear IAMSLIC Colleagues,

This is a call for Conference Travel Support proposals and Project-related Grant proposals. Please kindly note that Project-related Grant proposals will be accepted from members not affiliated with a regional group.

The total funding available for Guin Travel Grants this year is US$ 5,000.
The total funding available for 2013 Project Grants is US$ 1,000 only.

Since the IAMSLIC would like to support several participants, we encourage you to apply for partial (up to US$ 1,500) rather than full support. Please make sure that you check with your Regional Representative (http://www.iamslic.org/people/regional-groups) first regarding the availability of regional grants.

For proposal details and format please see our website at: http://www.iamslic.org/activities/grants
The deadline for submitting your proposal is 27th of May 2013.

Best regards,

Maria Kalentsits
IAMSLIC President 2012-2013

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Countdown for conference proposals

Conference proposals are due Friday, April 19. That’s less than one week away!

The program committee has received some excellent proposals but we need more! As it’s a joint conference, we would like especially to have participation from members in the SAIL region.

Please review the conference home page and the Call for Proposals and submit your proposal to sally.taylor@ubc.ca

Thank you!

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