Otto Kinne of Inter-Research died

Otte Kinne died at the age of 91 on March 3, 2015.  He was the founder and editor of Inter-Research which publishes a number of marine related journals including Marine Ecology Progress Series.  Below is a link to the open access obituary published in v.528 of MEPS.

Joe Wible, Hopkins Marine Station

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Job Announcement: Miller Library, Hopkins Marine Station

It is with mixed feelings that I post this job.  I love my job, but after 32 years at Stanford, I have decided to retire to allow more time for diving adventures, travel, and spending time with friends and family.

When I moved down from main campus 21 years ago it was a “reassignment” so the job was not posted.  My predecessor, Alan Baldridge, also held the job for several decades, so this will be the first time in almost half a century that the job is being advertised.  It is a rare opportunity for the right person.

Joe Wible, Hopkins Marine Station


Head Librarian & Bibliographer,  Harold A. Miller Library, Hopkins Marine Station

Stanford University Libraries and the Hopkins Marine Station are seeking candidates for an exciting job opportunity to manage a premier marine science library and also serve as assistant to the Director at a world-renowned marine laboratory.  As head librarian & bibliographer, the successful candidate will lead a small staff in providing the full range of traditional library services in addition to expanding forward-looking enterprises such as GIS, scientific data management, digital archiving, etc.  As assistant to the director for the Station, the library manager will be involved with promoting Hopkins to both the academic community and the public at large.  He or she will also play a significant role in supporting fundraising efforts for the Station. For the full position description and requirements go to:

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Promoting Open Knowledge and Open Science. Report of the Current State of Repositories

I share with those interested in these topics, a report dated May 21st, produced by the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) on behalf of the COAR Aligning Repository Networks Committee

Lead author: Kathleen Shearer, Executive Director, COAR- Contributors:  Bianca Amaro, IBICT, Brazil- Paola A. Azrilevich, MINCYT, Argentina- Dominique Babini, CLACSO, Argentina- Gerald Beasley, University of Alberta, Canada – Alberto Cabezas, LA Referencia, Chile – Donatella Castelli, National Research Council, Italy – Wolfram Horstmann, University of Goettingen, Germany- Heather Joseph, SPARC, United States- Iryna Kuchma, EIFL- Carmen Gloria Labbé, REDCLARA, Chile- Norbert Lossau, University of Goettingen, Germany -Rick Luce, United States- Katharina Mueller, COAR – Kostas Repanas, A*STAR, Singapore – Oya Rieger, arXiv – Eloy Rodrigues, COAR/OpenAIRE, Portugal- Judy Ruttenberg, Association of Research Libraries- Andrew Sallans, Centre for Open Science, United States- Daisy Selematsela, National Research Foundation, South Africa- Bishen Singh, National Research Foundation, South Africa- Marta Viragos, University of Debrecen, Hungary- Kazu Yamaji, National Institute of Informatics, Japan – Tyler Walters, SHARE, United States- Xiaolin Zhang, National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences

About COAR: COAR, the Confederation of Open Access Repositories, is an international association with over 100 members and partners from five continents representing universities, research institutions, government research funders, and others. COAR’s mission is to enhance the visibility and application of research outputs through a global network of open access digital repositories. COAR brings together the major repository initiatives in order to align policies and practices and acts as a global voice for the repository community.

Guillermina Cosulich- IAMSLIC President 2014-2015

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IOC Communication Strategy for Marine Information Management 2015-2017

It is interesting to read the just published –IOC Communication Strategy for Marine Information Management 2015-2017

This document outlines a framework for communication activities for 2015-2017 identifying new objectives while building on previous outcomes. It acknowledges the need to broaden the understanding of MIM by the wider IODE Data Management community and identify robust mechanisms, which will improve communication between IODE Officers and GE-MIM and with other relevant agencies in marine information management. Effective communications will allow GE-MIM to disseminate these outcomes in a targeted and efficient manner, thereby promoting marine information management.

Regarding the IODE XXIII Session held at the Provincial Court in Brugge, Belgium March 17-20, the extensive report of the meeting is available in the IODE website

I want to thank Heike LUST from VLIZ-Flanders Marine Institute in Belgium and IAMSLIC member on the Joint IODE-IAMSLIC Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GEMIM), for her participation  in the XXIII Session on behalf of our Association.

Guillermina Cosulich- IAMSLIC President 2014-2015


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Call for Grant proposals – due MAY 15th

Grant Proposals are due MAY 15th, 2015.

Proposals will be accepted from:

  1. members not affiliated with a regional group for projects or travel support (expected amount $400 US)
  2. members seeking travel support from the Guin Fund to attend the annual IAMSLIC conference (expected total amount for all grant recipients $4000 US)

Before submitting your proposal, please review the guidelines, fill in and send the NEW Application Forms at:

Since we would like to support several participants, we encourage you to apply for partial rather than full support. Regarding other travel grant opportunities, please check regional and international organizations related to our subject areas, and of course, we encourage you to check with your IAMSLIC Regional Groups regarding the availability of travel funds.

Best regards !

Guillermina Cosulich, IAMSLIC President 2014-2015,

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IAMSLIC – PICES: new contact

IAMSLIC remains a partner with PICES (The North Pacific Marine Science Organization) on an as-needed consultory basis. Mr. Robin Brown took over as PICES Executive Secretary effective February of this year and Dr. Alexander Bychkov, became Special Projects Coordinator.

Thank you BRIAN VOSS, from the U.S. NOAA Seattle Library from United States and Cyamus Regional Group, for volunteering as contact replacing Janet Webster, now retired, who did it for many years !

Guillermina Cosulich (IAMSLIC President 2014/2015)


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NSF joining NIH in requiring open access for research they fund

NSF is going to require papers published based on research they funded by made open access within a year of publication.  Read more details on this at the link below.

Joe Wible, Hopkins Marine Station

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ProQuest to load metadata into Google Scholar

I have heard rumors that Google Scholar might go away.  The fact that ProQuest will be porting over its metadata into Google Scholar which will then link to full-text for subscribers to ProQuest would imply that Google Scholar will be around for a while longer.  Check out the full story with the link below.

Joe Wible, Hopkins Marine Station

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The Veliger journal title hijacked

Check out the link below.  It alerts users that the print journal “The Veliger” has been hijacked.

Joe Wible, Hopkins Marine Station

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Cyamus 2015 – Day 3

Saturday 3/14/15 – Odegaard Library
It’s PI Day!!
Open Discussion Day
Libraries have issues with Wiley.  They have been very devious in negotiating with the Libraries and have not been any nicer to society publishers.  Wiley has outsourced some of the titles such as J Phyc to Aptara.  If you know people in societies that are looking for a publishing platform tell them to avoid Wiley.  It was reported that Wiley is looking to go to a database model where cost is based on use.

Another strategy is to urge researchers to publish elsewhere including Open Access.  We talked up how we would like to be members of such groups as BioMed Central to help defray publication costs and support the OA publishers.  Sadly most budgets are strained trying to pay the bills on our existing subscriptions.

Agree we rely heavily on the Jeffrey Beall list of sketchy OA titles and are appreciative of its existence!!

Discussion on where Cyamus can meet next year.  LaJolla and San Luis Obispo have been offered.  We would like to go to Mexico – say Ensenada – as it’s been years since we’d been south.  Jeanine will submit a proposal.

Debra Losey showed pictures of the lovely new NOAA Southwest Fisheries Lab in LaJolla and told about the perils of planning and implementation.

Talked about citation management systems and what campuses provided and/or supported or teach.  Looked at UW’s comparison page at

Library Linked Data
Joan and Eleanor attended a conference where they learned about the Knowledge Card – the info box that pops up on the Google results page when someone googles your institution.  Talked about where Google draws that information and you actually have control of what appears in the card.  It’s fascinating and we should assert that control.

UCD got an IMLS grant to look at linked data.  You can can follow the blog here:

Cyamus Public Relations
We need a Cyamus Regional Group Knowledge Card!!!
Talked about the FaceBook page.
Need an elevator blurb.
Rewrote the “About Cyamus” section on the regional group webpage.
Quote of the day: “Cyamus: we are the Walmart of water.”  We decided, when we picked ourselves up off the laughter strewn floor, that wouldn’t be our go-to description.


Box Lunch!

Visit to Bullitt Center.
It’s over!  See ya all next year!

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