Job Announcment – Benthic Ecologist w/information focus

Marine Benthic Ecologist – Assistant Professor (Senior Research)
Oregon State University
The Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center (NNMREC) at OSU’s Hatfield Marine Science Center (Newport, Oregon) is seeking applicants for a full-time Marine Benthic Ecologist at the rank of Assistant Professor (Senior Research).  This position will conduct research and promote information exchange dealing with ecological effects of wave energy development, and will cooperate with scientific programs related to the NNMREC mission.  The incumbent also provides expertise in the field of marine ecology to plan and execute original research addressing wave energy development’s effects on benthic communities, primarily those residing in soft sediments in the nearshore environment.
A Ph.D. in an appropriate marine field is required, as is research experience in benthic ecology, as shown by publications and presentations.  Applicants should have excellent communication skills and be computer literate.  Starting salary will be $42,000 to $52,000 dependent upon qualifications.  Apply by 21 February, 2009 for full consideration.  Application instructions are available at

Janet Webster

Oregon State University

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IAMSLIC’s newest honorary member

For most of you, the membership committee’s recent decision to include Jean Collins among the ranks of those whose long tradition of exceptional service is recognized with an honorary membership will come as little surprise. That said, Janet Webster, Barb Butler and I are happy to contribute both serious and light-hearted commentary about the experiences we’ve all had working with Jean through the years.

We will miss her keen insight into the operational aspects of our organization. Both Barb and I are especially greatful for the guidance she offered us on membership issues throughout our respective terms as President.  As both member and chair of this committee, Jean brought IAMSLIC to new parts of the world and recruited countless members.  

No one but Jean would have navigated the bureaucracy required to host an IAMSLIC meeting at FAO in Rome. For those of us lucky enough to have attended, the benefits of her remarkable efforts were immediately obvious.  Not satisfied to conquer just one bureaucratic organization, she crossed the Tiber and arranged a group tour of the Vatican.

Her network, both in Rome and throughout the developing world, is legendary. Through outreach, capacity building and sharing of expertise Jean has left a legacy that touched many in the fisheries community. Both Janet and I were fortunate to have worked directly with Jean in Rome. We submit that no one works harder to achieve a goal. She challenged both of us to match her dedication and we hope our efforts did not fall too far from that mark. Her colleagues and friends at FAO must sorely miss her daily presence.

On a more personal note, I will very much miss that Yorkshire humor applied to all things IAMSLIC. 

— Joan Parker on behalf of Janet Webster and Barb Butler



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SAIL conference May 11-14, Wilmington, N. Carolina

SAIL will be holding their annual conference May 11-14th, 2009 in Wilmington, N. Carolina, hosted by Peter Fritzler and the University of North Carolina Wilmington.

All are welcome.  The theme is “From the River to the Sea”.  The website for the conference is:

Jan E. Heckman, 2007-09 SAIL rep

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The 4th conference  is scheduled to take place in Zanzibar from 20th-24th July 2009. The conference will be preceded by a two days training workshop on ASFA, Aquatic Commons and OceanDocs (access to aquatic and marine sciences electronic information)






Sub Themes:

1. Managing digital information

2. Repositories

5. Open access

6. E-resources and advancement of science and research


Members of the Conference Organizing Committee

1.  Geoffrey Salanje- Malawi

2. Arame Ndiaye Keita- Senegal

3. Anna Maria Alfredo- Mozambique

4. Sam Ngete- Kenya

5. James Macharia- Kenya

6. Margie Shaw- South Africa


 Local Organising Committee

 Edna Nyika

 Musa Chacha

 Rukia Kitula

 Daudi Msangameno



Deadline for submission of paper proposals is February 15 2009. Deadline for submission of full papers June 30th 2009

Please submit the abstracts to:


Posted by Edna A. Nyika- e-mail:

Afriamslic ChairPerson


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New book announcement: marine mammals autobiography

Fifty Years of Flukes and Flippers;  a little history and personal adventures with dolphins, whales and sea lions (1958-2007) is an authobiography by William E. Evans.  I have had the pleasure of working with Dr. Evans from 1989 through 1999 in his tenure here at Texas A&M University at Galveston.  This might be the icing on the cake of Dr. Evan’s illustrious career working with marine mammals, but you should see that in his own words as he recounts how he came from Elkhart, Indiana to a career with marine mammals that has taken him all over the world.  Along the way he helped to develop the Navy’s marine mammal programs, and was U.S. Undersecretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmospheres (head of NOAA).  His book is published by Pensoft, distributed in the U.S. by Coronet Books. 

Natalie Wiest, Texas A&M University at Galveston

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Browse by Issuing Agency now available in Aquatic Commons

The Aquatic Commons repository is now browsable by Issuing Agency.   This recent enhancement was the direct result of contributors asking for the ability to pull up all of their contributions.  Browse by Issuing Agency is on the top menu bar of the Aquatic Commons pages.

In the Advanced Search, you can copy and paste the name of the agency into the Issuing Agency Field and then search by topics or other access points.  This provides full text searching to the entire document set from that agency.   Very helpful to your own agency researchers!

A note to contributors: please send the correct form of the agency name to Stephanie Haas [] for inclusion in the Authority List for Issuing Agencies. This field is sensitive to spacing and punctuation, and monitoring is ongoing.

Comments are most welcome!

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New interim Statistics page for Aquatic Commons

The Florida Center for Library Automation is working on implementing a statistics module for the Aquatic Commons Repository.   Until that is functional, I would like to share statistics on usage under Statistics links located on the Aquatic Commons page under the IAMSLIC homepage.  The first listing is for the top 50 titles accessed between July and September 2008.   As you will note, Aquaculture Asia is receiving a tremendous number of uses.

I will be adding statistics supplied from FCLA and other sources as they are discovered.   A Google Scholar update is on the way.

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Science for those with short attention spans

While we were in Fiji for the IAMSLIC conference, the HMS Director, Steve Palumbi, was also flying through FIji on his way to Tuvalu to film another short movie for his MicroDocs project.  This project was released a few weeks ago at URL:

All the movie clips are between 2 and 4 minutes based on the habits of today’s younger generation.  Accompanying those clips is background information with lots more detail including references.  The site was also designed to help K through 12 science teachers.  For a press release about the site, to to URL:

Most of the clips are from south seas islands and other exotic locations, so many of those that attended this years conference might find their island featured.


Hopkins Marine Station

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FAO Sabbatical Update

My sabbatical project at FAO in Rome ends this week. Part of this project was to identify content for the Aquatic Commons. We contacted all regional fishery management organizations and several regional fishery bodies with information about the Commons and a letter from FAO advocating wider dissemination and preservation of fisheries and aquaculture grey literature via the Aquatic Commons. I’m happy to report that several regional organizations have already responded positively.

The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission has decided to partner with IAMSLIC to include their publications. Several Cyamus members have agreed to collaborate on this project and Debra Losey is coordinating with IATTC. Another important component of this project is as a test case for regional group sponsorship of an agency wishing to deposit into the Aquatic Commons.

A development project hosted at the Network for Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific, the Support to Regional Aquatic Resources Management (STREAM) Initiative, has also agreed. As this project is no longer active, the rescue of STREAM publications documenting their work with aquaculture and poverty in Asia is especially satisfying.

There are a couple of other agencies engaged in preliminary discussions with Jean. She’ll keep you posted on future developments. We would also like to remind members that the Aquatic Commons Content Development Working Group is in need of additional members especially from Regional Groups outside North America.


Joan Parker

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Google Lawsuit Settled

On October 28, 2008 Google, The Authors Guild, and the Association of American Publishers (AAP) announced a settlement agreement in regards to Google Book Search.  While Stanford was not part of the lawsuit, it did provide input to Google to influence the outcome of the settlement.  Stanford has put together a web page with information about the settlement, including the full text of the agreement should you want all the details.  The URL is:

Joe Wible
Hopkins Marine Station
Stanford University

Hopkins Marine Station

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