Congratulations to the first Inter-Research sponsorship recipient

The IAMSLIC 2010 grant task group is pleased to announce the 2010 recipient of the Inter-Research sponsorship for an attendee at an IAMSLIC conference, Bojan Macan from the Rudjer Boskovic Institute in Zagreb, Croatia.  Bojan is a first-time attendee at the IAMSLIC conference.  Congratulations to Bojan!

IAMSLIC  thanks Inter-Research for their generosity in providing this new sponsorship to assist members to attend the IAMSLIC conference.

IAMSLIC 2010 grant task group members: Ruth Gustafson (convener); Amy Butros; Guillermina Cosulich; and Marcia Croy VanWely.

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Welcome to Mar del Plata

Most of you will remember that I went to Las Cataratas del Iguazu before heading to the conference site in Mar del Plata.  I highly recommend that you visit Puerto Iguazu and tour the Cataratas. The jungle is beautiful and the falls are breathtaking. Do the Gran Aventura and go on a boat under the falls with a truck ride through the jungle for a full experience.

After a ‘leisurely’ bus ride to Mar del Plata from Buenos Aires, we were welcomed by a most patient driver who rounded up the slower ones in the group and delivered us to Hotel Las Rocas.  I have to say that Guillermina & Gabriela have gone above and beyond to make this conference one of the most hospitable ever. They arrangeed for fabulous donations and treats.  Every detail is covered. They have even helped with travel plans to get conference goers to places other than the conference.

The spring-time weather was quite refreshing for some with a fine, misty rain, bit of wind and temperatures on the lower side.  Transportation was provided to our Welcome Reception, held at El Museo del Mar, not that far from the hotel.   A wonderful location with an exceptional (to say the least) collection of shells, corals, echinoderms, and other sea creatures. There was a smallish aquarium with rays and sharks for entertainment. A few folks spent time admiring the shells and aquaria, but most of our time was focused on catching up on the past year or so.

El Museo del Mar was founded to house the shell collection of a local businessman. The museum has developed into a much richer community resource with a theater and special programs to highlight the importance of the oceans to the earth’s ecology. Definitely worth a visit when traveling to Mar del Plata.

Wine was flowing freely, although there were options for soda or water. No songs broke out, folks were too busy catching up on the latest news from libraries around the world. From the gist of the conversations all but a few libraries have been hit hard by the world wide economic downturn with budget cuts, lay-offs, and even closures. Hopefully, some of the presentations will give us all ideas to spend our budgets wisely and keep libraries open.

After a brief welcome by Guillermina and Gabriela, with a thank you to the help they have had from the Ministry of Tourism, we were treated to a surprise entertainment: a beautiful, young couple danced a few tangos for us. Amazing foot work, grace, talent… Augusto and Augustine give the impression of having been partners for decades when they are not old enough for more than one decade, if they began as children.

As the feasting resumed with hot hors d’oeuvres including skewers and empanadas and bacon-wrapped cherries (yum). Yet more wine and conversations flowed. Desserts were small sandwich cookies with coffee. Such coffee in Argentina. They like their coffee STRONG. Good thick black coffee though many thin down the flavor with an equal amount of milk. Finally, the bus came to return the well-fed and watered group to the hotel to rest up for the beginning of the presentations in the morning.

StreamNet Regional Librarian
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

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Agenda for First 2010 IAMSLIC Business Meeting, Monday, October 18, 2010

In  the interest of conserving paper, limited print  copies of the agenda will be provided in the conference hall at the start of the 1st  2010 IAMSLIC Business meeting to be held from  14:30-16:30 (2:30-4:30pm). 
                                                                                                                                                 Note that a Health/Coffee Break will be held in between the Business meeting.     
“Netting Knowledge: Two Hemispheres — One World”
 36th Annual IAMSLIC Conference, Mar del Plata, Argentina
First General Business Meeting
Monday, October 18, 2010
PART ONE   (14:30-15:00)
President’s Remarks
Review and approval of  First 2009 Business Meeting Minutes (Brugge, Belgium)
Treasurer’s Report (Steve Watkins for Sandra Abbott-Stout)
                                                                                                                                          HEALTH Break   (15:00-15:30)
                                                                                                                                                PART TWO  (15:30-16:30)
Committee Report Highlights (alphabetic)
Regional Group Report Highlights (alphabetic)
Aquatic Commons Report Highlights (Lisa Raymond for Stephanie Haas)
MOU with IOC revisited
Convening of 2nd Council of Singers (original 1999/2000 report on IAMSLIC website under 2010 Annual Reports)

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2009 IAMSLIC/EURASLIC Joint Conference: Business meeting minutes available

The 2009 draft Business meeting minutes for tbe two meetings are now available on the IAMSLIC website.

We invite everyone to view the minutes of these two IAMSLIC Business meetings held in Brugge, Belgium.  These minutes will be reviewed at the two respective 2010 Business meetings in Mar del Plata and submitted for approval by the membership. They are all located at:

Please note that these meeting minutes are also located under the members area and require the iamslic login and password.  If you are a new member  or do not remember this login/password, please contact  Steve Watkins at  or  ask him or any IAMSLIC officer in person at the conference.

A big thank you to Liz Winiarz, IAMSLIC President 2009,  for providing these minutes in the absence of the 2009 Secretary at the Brugge Conference.

Ruth Gustafson,  IAMSLIC President  2010

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2010 Annual Reports on IAMSLIC website

Welcome to all 2010 Conference attendees now in Mar del Plata! 

We invite everyone to view the 2010 annual reports and activity reports of the IAMSLIC Committees and Regional Groups.  They are all located at:

Please note that these reports are located under the members area and require the iamslic login and password.  If you are a new member  or do not remember this login/password, please contact  Steve Watkins at  or  ask him or any IAMSLIC officer in person at the conference.

Thank you to the committee chairs and regional group representatives for these reports.

Ruth Gustafson,  IAMSLIC President  2010

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Important Reminders – 17th Sunday / Recomendaciones importantes – Domingo 17  check the IAMSLIC Conference website programme page:

Click Programme-at-a-Glance October 2010
Click Programme Detailed October 2010

IAMSLIC 2010 Conference Website has up-to-date information:

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The Water Resources Center Archives Prepares to Move to Southern California

Update October 2010

Dear friends, colleagues, supporters, and members of the water community,

Much progress has been made since July 16, 2010 when the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) announced its decision regarding WRCA’s future home. Following a thorough review of the three proposals that were submitted from UC Berkeley, Davis and Riverside to house WRCA, UC Riverside was selected as the new academic home.

The UC Riverside campus (UCR) is partnering with California State University. San Bernardino (CSUSB) to continue to provide access to and development of this world-renowned collection. In fact, the move will allow UCR and CSUSB to build a statewide collaborative network that will enhance access to WRCA’s unique materials. This network will not diminish services to the UC campuses but increase support for water research agendas of the UC and CSU campuses and external clientele of WRCA.

Throughout August and September, a transition team has been meeting to gather information and propose a strategy for the move. The transition team will shepherd WRCA through the complex process of moving the physical collection as well as the online catalogs, archival collection guides, WRCA web site, several databases, the On Water blog, and Clearinghouse for Dam Removal Information.

Although some access points may change, virtual use of catalogs (via OCLC and Melvyl) and digitized content will remain largely unaltered and available to the public throughout the move. The web site and catalogs will remain accessible at UC Berkeley until we are positive that the files have transferred correctly and are accessible at UCR.

Moving a library is a complex, time-consuming process, and necessitates that access to the physical collection be limited for several months before and after the move. Below is a fairly accurate timeline concerning access to the collections.

October 15, 2010 – WRCA facilities will close and all services will be suspended except for digital interlibrary loan (ILL).

November 15, 2010 – Digital ILL will be suspended.

January 3- 17, 2011 – WRCA collections and equipment will be moved from UCB to UCR. WRCA will be completely moved out of O’Brien Hall by January 31, 2011.

April 25, 2011 –WRCA resources will be formally available at the UCR Orbach Science Library and the CSUSB Pfau Library.

The majority of WRCA’s collections will be located in the UCR Orbach Science Library. Materials specific to the Santa Ana Watershed will be evaluated at a later date to make a determination if components may be located at CSUSB Water Research Institute (WRI) in the Pfau Library. WRCA staff will continue: collecting published and archival materials; an outreach program; and developing unique services.

Thank you all for your continued support of WRCA and for your patience. WRCA looks forward to serving UC, CSU and the California water community for years to come from its new location in Southern California.

We plan to send out another update about the transition in January 2011.

Sincerely,Linda Vida, WRCA Director

Paul Atwood, Archivist & Head of Technical Services

ANR’s official announcement, plus links to the three proposals that wereconsidered, can be found on ANR’s public website:

WRCA website:

On Water blog:



Joe Wible

Hopkins Marine Station

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Eleanor Uhlinger named “Federal Librarian of the Year”

Eleanor Uhlinger, has joined a long and distinguished line of notable librarians by being selected as 2009 Federal Library and Information Center Committee (FLICC) Librarian of the Year.  Dr. James Billington, Librarian of Congress, will present the award to Eleanor at a ceremony October 6th taking place at the Library of Congress during FLICC’s Annual Meeting.

I know the Naval Postgraduate School and the Dudley Knox Library are both pleased and proud.  Congratulations Eleanor for this well deserved award.

Joe Wible

Hopkins Marine Station

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IAMSLIC 2010 Pre-registration extended to 1st October

Yes, that is correct you have until Friday, 1st October to still register at pre-registration prices.  Registration: 

Netting Knowledge: Two Hemispheres – One World – 17-21st October 2010

Marcia Croy-Vanwely, Chair/Convener

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Question about ScienceExpress

Science is charging an additional fee for access to the hot topic articles and in-press articles through Science Express. It’s available for free to personal members but not institutions. Has anyone purchased this? I didn’t know about it until a faculty member wanted articles on the oil spill that are in ScienceExpress.
> (

Please let me know if you have experience with this.
Janet Webster
Oregon State University

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