Promoting Open Knowledge and Open Science. Report of the Current State of Repositories
I share with those interested in these topics, a report dated May 21st, produced by the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) on behalf of the COAR Aligning Repository Networks Committee
Lead author: Kathleen Shearer, Executive Director, COAR- Contributors: Bianca Amaro, IBICT, Brazil- Paola A. Azrilevich, MINCYT, Argentina- Dominique Babini, CLACSO, Argentina- Gerald Beasley, University of Alberta, Canada – Alberto Cabezas, LA Referencia, Chile – Donatella Castelli, National Research Council, Italy – Wolfram Horstmann, University of Goettingen, Germany- Heather Joseph, SPARC, United States- Iryna Kuchma, EIFL- Carmen Gloria Labbé, REDCLARA, Chile- Norbert Lossau, University of Goettingen, Germany -Rick Luce, United States- Katharina Mueller, COAR – Kostas Repanas, A*STAR, Singapore – Oya Rieger, arXiv – Eloy Rodrigues, COAR/OpenAIRE, Portugal- Judy Ruttenberg, Association of Research Libraries- Andrew Sallans, Centre for Open Science, United States- Daisy Selematsela, National Research Foundation, South Africa- Bishen Singh, National Research Foundation, South Africa- Marta Viragos, University of Debrecen, Hungary- Kazu Yamaji, National Institute of Informatics, Japan – Tyler Walters, SHARE, United States- Xiaolin Zhang, National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences
About COAR: COAR, the Confederation of Open Access Repositories, is an international association with over 100 members and partners from five continents representing universities, research institutions, government research funders, and others. COAR’s mission is to enhance the visibility and application of research outputs through a global network of open access digital repositories. COAR brings together the major repository initiatives in order to align policies and practices and acts as a global voice for the repository community.
Guillermina Cosulich- IAMSLIC President 2014-2015