Aquatic Commons Policy Changes
Please note that the Aquatic Commons Board has recommended the following changes to the CONTENT SECTION of the policies.
The new policies will be loaded at the IAMSLIC/Aquatic Commons homepage and will read:
3. Submittals to the repository must include the metadata and the digital object referenced. Preferred file formats for the following digital objects include:
Text – pdf
Powerpoint – pdf
Images – jpeg
Video – mpeg
Audio – wav
4. Text files are most likely to include:
a) Research papers (pre- and postprints)
b) Conference and workshop papers
c) Theses and dissertations
d) Unpublished reports, monographs, working papers, and technical reports
e) Books, chapters and sections
5. Papers may include:
a) Non peer-reviewed (pre-prints)
b) Final peer-reviewed drafts (post-prints)
c) Published versions
6. Principal languages for submission: initially, all western European languages.
Search interfaces will be English, French, Spanish, and German.