“Historical Diver” & “Journal of Diving History” added to Aquatic Commons

With permission from the Historical Diving Society, the complete run of Historical Diver (1993-2008) and The Journal of  Diving History (2008-Present) are being added to the Aquatic Commons.  Free access will be available with an 18 embargo on the most recent issues.  So far issues 1 through 33 have been deposited with more to follow.  You can view a list of the issues by going to:



Joe Wible

Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford Univeristy


1 Comment

  1. iamslic Said,

    August 6, 2014 @ 7:47 pm

    I am happy to report the archive for this journal is now complete. Issues #1 through #73 have been deposited into the Aquatic Commons. New issues will be added as the 18 month embargo expires. Thanks to Don Kohrs and Alan Allwardt for all their help making this happen.

    Joe Wible, Hopkins Marine Station