Candidates Sought to run for office of President of IAMSLIC
To our IAMSLIC Membership:
I have been tasked as Chair of the Nominating Committee for IAMSLIC, to come up with at least two nominees willing to run for the office of President of IAMSLIC. This is really a four year commitment:
Duties of the IAMSLIC President:
Junior President-Elect (2009): Voting member of Executive Board and
responsible for coordinating Executive board web page updates with the
web committee. Â Â This meeting will be held in Belgium
President-Elect (2010): Voting member of Executive Board and
conference convener. This meeting will occur in Latin America.
President (2011): Runs Executive Board and business meetings,
manages IAMSLIC committee appointments and oversees IAMSLIC business.
Acts as grant administration for IAMSLIC grant cycles. Â Â This meeting will be held in Africa
Past-President (2012): Serves on the Executive Board in a
non-voting advisory capacity and may chair the Bylaws Committee. This meeting will likely be held in the U.S.A.
The IAMSLIC bylaws allow for a conference registration waiver for the
year the candidate serves as President and a minimal amount of travel
support for IAMSLIC elected officers, but candidates should also have
the support (programmatically and hopefully financially as well) of
their institution when they commit to run and we do ask for written
acceptance from candidates who have agreed to stand for office.
We would love to hear from you either to nominate yourself, or with the names of candidates you think would make a good President and be willing to serve. Our Committee members are:
Natalie Wiest <> <>, Chair
Marcel Brannemann <>
<> (Euraslic- 2010)
Andrea Cristiani <> <> (Latin
America- 2009)
Ann Devenish <> <>
(Unaffiliated 2009)
Meredith Hepburn <
<> (PIRG- 2010)
Pam Olson < > <mailto: >
(Cyamus- 2009)
Amady Sow <> <>
(Afriamslic- 2010)
Thank you!
Natalie Wiest
Chair, IAMSLIC Nominating Committee
Jack K. Williams Library
Texas A&M University at Galveston, U.S.A.
(409)740-4567Â Â Â Â Â Â Â fax:Â (409)740-4702
iamslic Said,
June 20, 2008 @ 6:04 am
Along this June 2-6, at the ‘Cuban Fisheries Research Centre’ (Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras de Cuba, the First Librarian’s Workshop will be celebrated with the participation of the Marine Research Center (Centro de Investigaciones Marinas,, the “Andrés González Lines†Fisheries Maritime Institute (Instituto MarÃtimo Pesquero “Andrés González Linesâ€), the Oceanologic Institut (Instituto de OceanologÃa,, the Marine Bioproducts Center (Centro de Bioproductos Marinos,, the Technical and Scientific Information Institut (Instituto de Información CientÃfica y Tecnológica, and other guests from specialised libraries in diverse subjects coming from other Cuban provinces.
The subjects were:
IAMSLIC and OceanDocs/UNESCO : Advances and Challenges
ASFA updating works
Online Publishers
IDICT bibliographic research
IDICT Technical and Scientific Forum Reference Services
CIP Library at Technical and Scientific Forums
For the 2008-2009 period an agreement was attained on these actions:
1. To coordinate the CIP Library support regarding the Instituto MarÃtimo Pesquero “Andrés González Lines†(IMP) IAMSLIC affiliation and what concerns the OceanDocs international project.
2. OceanDocs digital repository new institutions integration:
– Marine Research Center (
– Marine Bioproducts Center (
– Havanna Bay Cleaning, Conservation and Development State Taskforce (GTE BahÃa Habana)
– Oceanological Institute (
– “Andrés González Lines†Fisheries Maritime Institute
3. Sending a letter from CIP ( to the CIM Direction () in order to the ASFA database inclusion of the ‘Revista de Investigaciones Marinas’ (Marine Research Journal,
4. ASFA CDs network installation in CIM ( and for all other institutions that are IAMSLIC new members.
5. On October 14, 2008, to meet at a workshop to check out the national marine sciences libraries services and projects.
6. To propose the “Andrés González Lines†Fisheries Maritime Institute librarians participation into the CIP ( Technical and Scientific Forums
7. IMP historical web site design assessment through the CIP Historical Commission.
8. 2009 2nd Librarian’s Workshop at CIP aims definition, along a previous meeting.
Enma Fonseca
Head Library
Center Research Fisheries,
Bookmarks about Whoi Said,
January 3, 2009 @ 9:15 pm
[…] – bookmarked by 5 members originally found by kabuto777 on 2008-12-07 Candidates Sought to run for office of President of IAMSLIC – bookmarked by 6 members originally found by jcrewz on […]