Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute
The 64th Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute will be available for distribution in October. As I do each year, this is to announce to IAMSLIC member institutions that the 64th Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute will be available. Many IAMSLIC libraries have had on-going subscriptions to the Proceedings, but I feel it prudent to ask if they would like to receive the current volume.
As in the past, the subscription rate is $US90.00 which includes postage and handling (domestic and international). An electronic version (CD) of the Proceedings is included with the hard copy.
If the library affirms their interest by contacting me (LeRoy Creswell,, I will send them the GCFI Proceedings and CD, along with an invoice. Alternatively, they can simply place an order online at the GCFI website (
Kind regards,
LeRoy Creswell
Executive Secretary, GCFI, Inc.
R. LeRoy Creswell
University of Florida Sea Grant Program
Indian River Research and Ed. Center
2199 South Rock Rd.
Fort Pierce, FL 34945-3138