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Meredith Hepburn

1 Comment

  1. iamslic Said,

    May 21, 2008 @ 12:39 pm

    Cuban Marine Science Libraries at Info2008, La Habana: “Knowledge Society: New spaces to be build”

    The Institute of Scientific and Technological Information (IDICT) from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of the Republic of Cuba, held an International Information Congress, Info ‘2008, and the International Workshop on Business Intelligence and Business Knowledge Management, IntEmpres’2008, during April 21-25, 2008, at the “Palacio de Convenciones” in La Habana, Cuba, under the theme-idea: “Knowledge Society: New spaces to be build”
    This Tenth Info event meant an Anniversary Edition where the 45th IDICT Anniversary was celebrated; the 20th Anniversary of the National Library of Science and Technology, as well as the 20th Anniversary of the first Info Congress.
    The subjects discussed were:
    • Quality management and knowledge management: common puposes, different routes.
    • Information analysis and visualization.
    • Socio-geographic vision towards Knowledge Society (KS).
    • Transdisciplinarity and KS.
    • Formation and qualification in the KS.
    • Technological solutions for the KS and to diminish the digital divide.
    • The professional associations activities in building the KS.
    • Metadata: ¿Truth or Uthopy?
    • Libraries and Archives as important spaces for building the KS.

    The conferencists, delegates and exhibitors had the chance to participate in meetings, forums, syposiums, seminars, workshops, thematic panel discussions and commissions created to present free subjects as well the activities planned at the ExpoInfo’2008.

    The Marine Science Libraries communicated and displayed everything related to its work at national and international level through a stand organized by the Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras (CIP) and the Acuario Nacional de Cuba, where also an information exchange-working day was held among several information centres and libraries of the country.

    One of the results reached at the INFO 2008 Congress and related to bibliographic search in periodical publications, was the announcemnet made by the EBSCO representatives: all the participating libraries from Cuban institutions will receive free access to the DataBases services during a complete year.

    The next INFO edition will be held during 2010 at the “Palacio de Convenciones” in La Habana, where we plan to increase the information dissemination of the regional and international project activities and a major involvement of marine and aquatic science libraries participating with different panel, paper or poster presentations.

    Enma Fonseca Arcaya
    Cheif of Scientific and Documentation Information Center
    Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras (CIP)