Welcome to the IAMSLIC News Blog
IAMSLIC Newsletter co-editors Megan Gee and Jackie Wolstenholme need to take a break from their editor duties. Megan and Jackie– thank you again for all you have done to keep IAMSLIC well informed!
For many years the IAMSLIC newsletter was printed and mailed to members. In recent years we have posted the newsletter electronically. Given that our editors must step down the Executive Board has decided this would be a good time to experiment with the next evolutionary step and begin sharing our news via a blog. At 107 issues we will put the Newsletter on hiatus. We will miss Jackie and Megan as our co-editors but look forward to hearing from them via the blog!
As you will see, we have started with seven categories into which you can post: announcements, committee news, executive board news, president’s updates, interesting sites, regional group activities and
Visit the IAMSLIC News & Events Blog at http://www.iamslic.org/blog/ or via the News & Events link under Publications on the IAMSLIC home page.
To post to the blog you should log in with the IAMSLIC username/password, choose the category, create and sign your post. Note—please do not copy and paste text from Word into the blog as this causes problems. If you want to edit your text offline before posting use a text editor such as Notepad or WordPad.
We have already posted a number of news items to the blog so please visit and read the news about grant cycles, the Nominating Committee and Site Selection Committees. And, post some news of your own!
A blog posting (but not subsequent comments) will generate an email that goes to the IAMSLIC discussion list. So, for regular installments of IAMSLIC news we encourage all members to join the IAMSLIC discussion
list and visit the blog to see any follow-up comments. See the Discussion List web page for hints on subscribing and managing IAMSLIC email: http://www.iamslic.org/index.php?section=22
Many thanks to Web Committee members Steve Watkins and Sally Taylor for creating the blog on our behalf!
Barb Butler (IAMSLIC President 2007-8)