IAMSLIC website moves next week

Dear Colleagues,

The IAMSLIC Website and Communications Committee has been working jointly with the EURASLIC Web Committee since the past conference in Belgium to investigate alternatives for the hosting platform for our various web services and resources. Last week, the IAMSLIC Executive Board approved our proposal to relocate the IAMSLIC website to a commercial hosting service rather than purchasing a new server to replace the obsolete server that has been hosted by the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole. Since then, Sally Taylor and I have been working to replicate all of the IAMSLIC website and blog content on the new host platform and we have completed that work. In fact, this is the first posting from the new IAMSLIC blog to be broadcast to the IAMSLIC Discussion List.

We anticipate that the Internet address (www.iamslic.org)  for the website will be redirected to the new host starting on Tuesday or Wednesday next week, 13 or 14 July, 2010.  Once that occurs, I will send out a followup message with the specific URL addresses of the main IAMSLIC website, the News & Events blog, the 2010 conference website, etc. In the meantime, you may preview the new website at its temporary address:

Steve Watkins
Chair, Website and Communications Committee

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