Welcome to new members
Please welcome the following new (or returned) IAMSLIC members:
Judith Rogers, University of the Virgin Islands
Tara Booth, National Inquiry Services Centre (NISC), South Africa
Joyce Downey, University of Rhode Island, Pell Marine Science Library
Elizabeth Knight, Charles Darwin Foundation, Ecuador
Yolanda Lopez, Biblioteca Nacional de Salud Panama, Universidad de Panama
Amelia Chavez Comparon, CICESE – Library, Mexico
Katherine Miller, Woodward Library, University of British Columbia
Darlene Tan, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa
Please note the IAMSLIC Membership Committee reps. (always happy to answer membership questions) are:
Chair: Jean Collins (ad interim 2010)Â Â Membership Database: Kristen Metzger (2007- )
Members: Geoffrey Salanje (AFRIAMSLIC); Janet Webster (CYAMUS); Bart Goossens (EURASLIC); Gabriela Silvoni (Latin American Regional Group); Chris Nelson (Pacific Islands); Victoria Wellborn (SAIL); William Ko (Asia member at large) and Armand Gribling (Member-at-large).