12 New Members and Special Thanks to ASFA

IAMSLIC welcomes 12 new members (below) and would like to give a special thanks to ASFA/FAO and Mr. Richard Pepe for their generous continued support of 31 IAMSLIC members.  For more information on ASFA: http://www.fao.org/fishery/asfa/2/en


Feruggia, Celeste

Facultad Regional Chubut UTN (Universidad Tecnologica Nacional Biblioteca

Address: Roberts 61

City: Puerto Madryn

State/Prov: Chubut

Postal Code: 9120

Country: Argentina

Email: cele_f78@hotmail.com


Franklin, Kay

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Gulf Ecology Division

Address: 1 Sabine Island Drive

City: Gulf Breeze

State/Prov: Florida

Postal Code: 32561

Country: United States

Telephone: 850-934-9218

Email: Franklin.Kay@epa.gov



Giovannini, Floriane


Address: Parc de Tourvoie, BP 44

City: Antony Cedex

Postal Code: 92163

Country: France

Telephone: 33-140966287

Email: floriane.giovannini@cemagref.fr


Jamili, Shahla

Iranian Fisheries Research Organization (IFRO)

Address: No. 297, W. Fatemi Avenue ; PO Box 1415506116

City: Tehran

Country: Iran

Telephone:  21 6919133, 6946878

Email: shahlajamili45@yahoo.com



Jannes-Ober, Emmanuelle


Address: Parc de Tourvoie, BP 44

City: Antony Cedex

Postal Code: 92163

Country: France

Telephone: 33-140966096

Email: emmanuelle.jannes-ober@cemagref.fr



Lapchenko, Valentyna

Karadag Nature Reserve, Library

Address: 24, Nauki Street

City: Kurortnoe, Feodosia

State/Prov: Crimea

Postal Code: 98188

Country: Ukraine

Telephone: (380-6562) 26-289

Email: karadag_libr@pochta.ru



Mamer, Liz

Idaho Department of Fish and Game

Address: PO Box 25, 600 South Walnut

City: Boise

State/Prov: ID

Postal Code: 83707

Country: United States

Telephone: 208-465-8404 x270

Email: liz.mamer@idfg.idaho.gov


Mychalechko, Olena

Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Odessa Branch

Address: 37, Pushkinskaya Street

City: Odessa

Postal Code: 65125

Country: Ukraine

Telephone: 048-725-09-18

Email: mey@mail.ru


Ortiz, Silverio

Instituto de Biologia Marina y Pesquera

Address: San Martin 247

City: San Antonio Oeste

State/Prov: Rio Negro

Postal Code: 224

Country: Argentina

Telephone: (02934) 42 2752

Email: bibliotecaibmp@ibmpas.org


Panagiotoglou, Popi

Hellenic Center for Marine Research- Documentation and Information Center

Address: P.O. Box 712, 46.7 km Athens-Sounion Avenue

City: Anavyssos

State/Prov: Attiki

Postal Code: 19013

Country: Greece

Telephone: ï­½22910-76319

Email: Popipan@ath.hcmr.gr


Roering, Anke


Address: Max-Planck-Str

City: Geesthacht

Postal Code: 21502

Country: Germany

Telephone: 0049-4152-87-1692

Email: anke.roering@gkss.de



Steimle, Claire L.

U.S. NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service

Address: 74 Magruder Rd.

City: Highlands

State/Prov: NJ

Postal Code: 07732

Country: United States

Telephone: 732-872-3035

Email: Claire.Steimle@noaa.gov



Kristen L. Metzger, Membership Chair (outgoing)




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