AFRIAMSLIC Mini meeting held during the ASFA Board in Beijing, China Oct. 15, 2014
During the last ASFA Board Meeting, five members of AFRIAMSLIC – IAMSLIC Regional Group as well as Ms Guillermina Cosulich, IAMSLIC Chair attended the mini meeting called by the chair of the group, Ms Arame Ndiaye Keita-Senegal.
Participants were Mr James Macharia-Kenya, Ms Saida Messaouidi- Tunisia, Ms Ana Maria Alfredo- Mozambique and Ms Alice Endra- Uganda.
The meeting was short but productive with Ms Endra as rapporteur: Main issues discussed were about: AFRIAMSLIC Membership, -AFRIAMSLIC Communication ( Website and Facebook) and- HOSTING the 2018 Conference in the Region.
Please read the Minutes posted in IAMSLIC website. Some information are available on AFRIAMSLIC- IAMSLIC Regional Group facebook page.
Posted By Ms Arame Ndiaye Keita, AFRIAMSLIC Representative
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