Archive for October, 2014

Regarding the ASFA Board Meeting (13-17 Oct., 2014, Beijing) and IAMSLIC

I do not have to explain about the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts Data Base because I think we all know it is the main Information System specialized in marine and aquatic sciences grey literature. The 43rd Annual Meeting of the ASFA Advisory Board was hosted by the National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) in Beijing from 13 to 17 October, and it was attended by 31 participants, representing 28 ASFA Partners and 3 observers.  Ian Pettman (FBA) chaired the Meeting, the main rapporteur was Helen Wibley (FAO ASFA Secretariat). For your information, I am the Argentine Focal Point Coordinator of the Latin American ASFA Partners.

We have an IAMSLIC-ASFA Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), and during every Board Meeting since Richard Pepe was at the Secretariat, ASFA has always promoted very enthusiastically the IAMSLIC Z39.50/Union List and the Aquatic Commons Repository and will continue providing 37 IAMSLIC memberships that are currently funded by ASFA.

During the Fourth Day of the Meeting, several presentations were made, 2 of which I would like to mention here: 1) ‘IAMSLIC ILL tutorial for Z39.50/Union List’ ( presented by Mr Daryl Superio (SEAFDEC/AQD – ASFA Collaborating Centre), who is now Chair of our Resource Sharing Committee; and 2) ‘Recording data sets in ASFA: where, how and when?’ ( presented by Ms Tasmin Vicary (Freshwater Biological Association (FBA), UK ASFA Collaborating Centre) – hopefully soon to become an IAMSLIC member….

Several ASFA Trust Fund Project Proposals were approved during the Meeting, some of which involved deposition of grey literature material in Aquatic Commons. In particular, the Ugandan Trust Fund Proposal ‘Digitization of Ugandan fisheries, aquaculture and water environmental information, 1950-1990’ presented by Alice Endra (NaFiRRI), comprises 800 records to be prepared and uploaded into AC. In addition, another project proposal put forward by University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) is pending, but it aims to scan some of the grey literature collections on fisheries, aquaculture and ocean sciences, available in the UPV/CFOS Library, that have been damaged by insects, to preserve the material by creation of digital imaging and deposition in AC.

The ASFA Board is investigating implications to the ASFA database of expanding the scope of ASFA to cover groundwater (including climate change water/sewage treatment, public water supply and water as a resource industry and agriculture).

A small group of Afriamslic members attended the Meeting and I met with them to talk about various issues. Those present were: Alice Endra – National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI), Uganda; Arame G. Ndiaye Keita – Direction des Pêches Maritimes, Dakar, Senegal; Ana Maria Alfredo – Instituto Nacional de Hidrografia e Navegação (INAHINA), Maputo, Mozambique; Saida Messaoudi – Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer (INSTM), Salammbô, Tunisia;  James Macharia – Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), Mombasa, Kenya; and myself. Soon a short report prepared by Arame Keita, the Regional Coordinator, will be available.

The next ASFA Board Meeting will be hosted by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) at Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada, October 2015.

Guillermina Cosulich, Oct. 29th

Grupo ASFA Beijing 2014

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2014 ASFA Advisory Board Meeting

The 43rd Annual ASFA Advisory Board Meeting was held in Beijing, China from 13 to 17 October, 2014.

The meeting was hosted by the National Marine Data and Information Service, the Chinese National ASFA Partner and co-organized with the FAO ASFA Secretariat.

ASFA small

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Future of IODE survey — deadline November 7


Your opinion is very important to the Future of IODE. Some of you may have only a brief acquaintance with IODE. Others have known of IODE for many years. Please take the time to take this survey .

The probably most import topic of discussion at the 23rd Session of the IODE Committee in March 2015 will be the future of IODE. While IODE’s model of a global network of oceanographic data (and information) centres has worked well for 50 years we must now appreciate that other parallel networks are existing or developing. Many of these are better funded so we cannot (and maybe should not) compete with these. On the other hand as these networks are often region based there may still be a need for a “global umbrella” like IODE. We therefore need to think about what are the areas where IODE can or should play a role in the future and how IODE should interact with the many other networks.

In order to obtain YOUR opinion on this matter we have now prepared a survey of 32 questions (most of them require only ticking a box). The outcome of the survey will be used by a small working group that will prepare a discussion paper proposing possible directions for the IODE of the future. This document will be circulated by the end of January/half February so you can carefully study it and formulate your opinion during the Session (or before, by email, if you prefer or in case you cannot participate in person).

So please take 15-20 minutes to answer the questions so IODE can remain, or become again, your leading data/information management community organisation.

The survey will remain open for 1 month UNTIL 7 NOVEMBER 2014.

The URL is

Linda Pikula

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Finding Canadian DFO reports

Thanks to Louise Archabald at the DFO Library in Sidney B.C. for the tip on finding the many DFO series.

What you need is this new link: for the page entitled: “Finding Recent Reports in the DFO Scientific Report Series”.

Here is Louise’s contact i you want more information.
Louise Archibald (DFO Library, Institute of Oceans Sciences, Sidney, BC)
Library Technician, Information Management Branch
Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Government of Canada /Tel: 250-363-8197

Bibliotechnicienne, Direction du gestion de l’information
Pêches et Océans Canada / Gouvernement du Canada /Tél: 250-363-8197

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Voyage of Discovery: Fifty Years of Marine Research at Canada’s Bedford Institute of Oceanography


To mark the 50th anniversary in 2012 of the opening of the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO), Canada’s major multidisciplinary oceanographic research facility, the BIO-Oceans Association has published a major treatise reviewing the Institute’s history and marine research accomplishments. Voyage of Discovery: Fifty Years of Marine Research at Canada’s Bedford Institute of Oceanography (VOD) summarizes BIO research results on the oceanography of, primarily, Arctic and Eastern Canada. In a series of 48 papers by past and present research staff from all oceanographic disciplines at BIO, the history of Canadian oceanography before BIO and a broad cross section of the Institute’s work spanning five decades are featured with particular emphasis on contributions to Canadian and global understanding/management of the marine environment.

The book’s well-written text and illustrations (mostly in colour) will appeal to a broad readership from professional marine scientists, environmental/resource managers and decision-makers, to marine science students and lay persons interested in the history of marine sciences. A must-have book for marine science libraries. Attached is an order form which provides more information about the book, and a copy of the table of contents (see links below).

Voyage of Discovery is now available at $35.00 per copy plus shipping charges (Atlantic Canada = $13; Quebec & Ontario = $15; Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia = $17, northern Territories = $24; USA = $26; Europe = $34; elsewhere = $39). For prepaid mail-orders (by cheque, money order, credit card made out to ‘BIO-Oceans Association’), please send payment and completed order form to: BIO-Oceans Association (VOD), c/o Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, NS, Canada B2Y 4A2. Otherwise, please forward your library’s regular book order form to the same address or e-mail your order to the following address:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

Many thanks.

Betty Sutherland
Associate University Librarian, Health Sciences (retired), Dalhousie University
and formerly Head, Library Services, Bedford Institute of Oceanography
and former long-time member of IAMSLIC

for the VOD Editors and Publisher

VoD TableOfContents-18june2014B


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Canadian Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences Publications

I’m trying to sort out what is happening with the Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences and the Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences. The link we have in our catalog goes to the archive sites –
This only goes through 2012. I am then referred to WAVES. I was hoping to find a list of the reports so I have an idea of what has been recently published. Am I missing something? I cannot find anything beside doing a series search in WAVES.

Given the closure of so many DFO libraries, it appears that it is going to be more difficult to locate Canadian fisheries and aquatic science reports. Surprise, surprise.  Any clues would be helpful.

-Janet Webster
Oregon State University
Newport, OR USA

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Last but not least: Our 40th Anniversary and the Conference

Dear IAMSLIC’ers:

Once a again, we had an unforgettable Conference in a beautiful place, a very impressive building the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) in Noumea -you can see some of my photos of the Conference in Flickr -,  with a Library that resembles an upside down canoe, surrounded by wonderful trees and flowers by the seaside, and getting to know very friendly and active librarians from the Pacific Region. In the IAMSLIC blog, Kris explained with great detail, smells and flavours the Conference day by day.

I believe we had an excellent Conference because we had TWO solid axis (ejes)….the Planning Committee and the Hosts! Thank you again to the hosts SPC and Mary-Clare and her family, and the fantastic PIRG Group ! Bula!!  Thank you Sally for passing me over everything nice and clear! Thanks to the Sponsors!

We celebrated the 40th IAMSLIC ANNIVERSARY and we had “the” cake and our PIN; I share now that “Corner” products with you all: the Guin Auction poster thanks to Barb Butler, and the ppt photos that were shown during the whole Conference. Find them in OUR STORY and in the Conference website. Enjoy them!

For the Association, and our way forward in the near future, it was very important Janet Webster’s presentation during a Special Session; she just send it to all of us: 2014 MEMBERSHIP SURVEY , please read it and send your comments. Thank you Janet for this important collaboration!

Start thinking and write me if you would like to VOLUNTEER to be in an IAMSLIC COMMITTEE!
Don’t forget to share your activities, why IAMSLIC is valuable for your library, your institution, your region?

I will be back from the ASFA Bd Meeting that is going to be held next week in Beijing hosted by the NMDIS, and I’ll get in touch with you during the International OPEN ACCESS WEEK, October 20-24

All the best!

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