Archive for April, 2013

Janet Webster receives OLA Distinguished Service Award

Janet has also been the acting director of the Hatfield Marine Science Center, which isn’t mentioned in the press release.

Message from the Oregon Library Association:
To: Oregon State University Libraries
From: Oregon Library Association Honors, Awards and Scholarship Committee
Re: Press Release regarding Oregon Librarian of the Year Award
Date: April 29, 2013

OLA Distinguished Service Award
The Oregon Library Association has awarded Janet Webster, Hatfield Marine Science Center Head Librarian, the 2013 OLA Distinguished Service Award. This award is given to an Oregon librarian or library staff member for exceptional service over many years. Webster is being recognized for her decades of outstanding leadership in a wide array of community and library organizations. She has been a particularly effective advocate for federal, state and local policy and legislation which allows libraries to better serve their communities. The OLA awards are announced each year at the association’s annual conference (held this year as a joint conference with the Washington Library Association). OLA is the state association of library professionals comprised of 1200 members pursuing a mission to promote and to advance library service through public and professional education and cooperation.

Congratulations, Janet!

Barb Butler

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Call for Grants – deadline May 27th, 2013

Dear IAMSLIC Colleagues,

This is a call for Conference Travel Support proposals and Project-related Grant proposals. Please kindly note that Project-related Grant proposals will be accepted from members not affiliated with a regional group.

The total funding available for Guin Travel Grants this year is US$ 5,000.
The total funding available for 2013 Project Grants is US$ 1,000 only.

Since the IAMSLIC would like to support several participants, we encourage you to apply for partial (up to US$ 1,500) rather than full support. Please make sure that you check with your Regional Representative ( first regarding the availability of regional grants.

For proposal details and format please see our website at:
The deadline for submitting your proposal is 27th of May 2013.

Best regards,

Maria Kalentsits
IAMSLIC President 2012-2013

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Countdown for conference proposals

Conference proposals are due Friday, April 19. That’s less than one week away!

The program committee has received some excellent proposals but we need more! As it’s a joint conference, we would like especially to have participation from members in the SAIL region.

Please review the conference home page and the Call for Proposals and submit your proposal to

Thank you!

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