Archive for June, 2011

Call for Site Proposals for IAMSLIC 2013 & 2014

The site selection committee is calling for proposals to host the Annual IAMSLIC conference in 2013 (a location in SAIL region); 2014 (a location in PIRG region); and possible host sites in the EURASLIC region for the 2015 conference.

Address you comments or questions to Daria Carle, chair at:
More information on site proposals see:

SAIL Region: Southeastern United States, entire eastern Atlantic coast of North America, including central and eastern Canada, Bermuda, Bahamas, Caribbean, eastern Mexico and Panama.
PIRG Region: Pacific Islands, Australia and New Zealand

Marcia Croy-Vanwely
President, IAMSLIC

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Web of Science – Journal Selection & Evaluation Process

I received the following link as follow up to a presentation on Web of Science. It provides insight into how journals are selected for coverage.

There is a process to suggest journals to cover –


Janet Webster
Head Librarian, Guin Library
Oregon State University
Hatfield Marine Science Center
2030 Marine Science Drive
Newport, OR 97365 USA


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MLibrary launches project to identify orphan works

With funding from HathiTrust, the University of Michigan Library Copyright Office has begun work to identify orphan works – works that are known to be in copyright, but whose rights holders cannot be identified or located – in HathiTrust’s growing repository. The goal of the project is to provide concrete data on the number of orphan works in HathiTrust, which could be used in the creation of legal or policy-based frameworks to allow broader access to orphan works for scholarly and research purposes. The official press release is available on the University of Michigan Library website.

[excerpt from HathiTrust Digital Library newsletter]

Joe Wible
Hopkins Marine Station

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