I am forwarding this for Freda Lin at Occidental.  Does anyone have a good contact at Inter-Reserch for getting usage statistics? At OSU, we get ours through Serials Solution and these are not precise.
Janet Webster
Head Librarian, Guin Library
Oregon State University
Hatfield Marine Science Center
2030 Marine Science Drive
Newport, ORÂ 97365Â USA
—— Forwarded Message
From: Freda Lin <lin@oxy.edu>
Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 15:16:43 -0700
To: <janet.webster@oregonstate.edu>
Subject: Seeking help with contacting Inter-Research, publisher of Marine Ecology Progress Series
Dear Ms. Webster,
I work for Occidental College Library in Los Angeles. I was wondering if someone from IAMSLIC might be able to help me with a question?
Are members of IAMSLIC able to obtain institutional usage data from Inter-Research? If so, who do they need to contact at Inter-Research to set that up?
Our institution subscribes to Marine Ecology Progress Series (published by Inter-Research) — print with online access. This journal is the most expensive of all our single journal titles and so we’d like to obtain usage data for it. However, I have not been successful in reaching the publisher by the email provided at their website and our subscription agent only has the email address for the content website manager, who has nothing to do with institutional usage data.
I am just trying to find out if there is another way of going about this before I have to put out a letter or call to Inter-Research offices in Germany for help. I am only a part-time, temporary staff person so any pointer/suggestion you can offer that would save time will be very much appreciated(!).
Thanks so much for your consideration,
Freda Lin
Electronic Resources Assistant
Occidental College Library