Archive for Interesting sites

How to use the ASFA database? Tutorials by the University of Stirling Library.

Dear IAMSLIC members,

The ASFA database users might find useful the following two tutorials created by the University of Stirling Library.

The first one explains the use of the ASFA thesaurus when searching the ASFA database:

The second one is more detailed and includes other database features:

I would also like to add a link provided by the ASFA publisher (ProQuest) about the Bangor University Library selecting the ASFA database as the resource of the month (June 2018):

Best regards,

Milos Vojar
ASFA Secretariat, FAO

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BBC series on the Pacific Ocean

I have been enjoying the BBC film series “Big Pacific”.  Three episodes have been released so far and can be watched for free online at:
Note that they expire and will no longer be available after one month.  This means the first one goes away on July 19th.
The photography is great.
Joe Wible
Hopkins Marine Station, librarian emeritus

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Aquatic Commons crowdfunding page


Aloha IAMSLIC friends,

I have started a crowdfunding page on Indigogo’s Generosity site to establish a stable source of ongoing support to ensure the future of the Aquatic Commons.

The page is here:

Feel free to post this to your Facebook and Twitter accounts if you feel so led. My ongoing gratitude to IAMSLIC’s treasurer (Kristen LaBonte) for taking on one more project. Give if you got! Thanks!

Kristen L. Anderson


[Posted by Stephanie Ronan on behalf of Kristen]

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STATE OF THE CLIMATE 2014 report available

An international, peer-reviewed publication released annually, “State of the Climate” is the authoritative summary of the global climate of the previous year published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. The U.S. National Climatic Data Center serves as the lead editors. The report is based on contributions from 413 scientists from 58 countries around the world. It provides a detailed update on global climate indicators, notable weather events, and other data collected by environmental monitoring stations and instruments located on land, water, ice, and in space.

It is available free of charge here:

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Special Issue on The Northern Chukchi Sea Benthic Ecosystem – Free

There is free online access for a limited time to a Special Issue of Deep Sea Research Part II , Volume 102 ,entitled “The Northern Chukchi Sea Benthic Ecosystem: Characterization, Biogeochemistry, and Trophic Linkages”, thanks to funding from Bureau of Ocean Energy Management – Alaska OCS Region.

Guest Editors:

Kenneth H. Dunton, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Jacqueline M. Grebmeier, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, USA
John H. Trefry, Florida Institute of Technology, USA

The 13 articles in this volume present results from major field expeditions in the northern Chukchi Sea during open-water periods in the summers of 2009 and 2010. The focus of the Special Issue is on the biological and chemical characteristics of the benthos with the goal of establishing a strong baseline for assessing future changes that may occur in response to (1) impacts from oil and gas activities, and (2) variations in hydrography, circulation or ice retreat associated with climatic change.

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New independent ROI report on Special Libraries


Some of you may be interested in a new independent report which says that “special libraries have been found to return $5.53 for every $1 invested – and that’s a conservative estimate of their real contribution”.

Based on Australian libraries and titled: Putting a value on “priceless” the report can be accessed from here


Jo Ruxton

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Frontiers in Marine Science – a new open access journal

There is a new open access journal “Frontiers in Marine Science”. There are only two papers so far with a third one pending.

The URL to the journal is:

Joe Wible
Miller Library / Hopkins Marine Station

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NISO webinars on research data curation

These two webinars are not free but look excellent for anyone interested in Data & Libraries.

Sally Taylor.

NISO Two-Part September Webinar: Research Data Curation

Part 1: E-Science Librarianship
Date: September 11, 2013
Time: 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. Eastern time
Event webpage:

Part 2: Libraries and Big Data
Date: September 18, 2013
Time: 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. Eastern time
Event webpage:

NISO will be holding a two-part webinar on September 11 and 18 to discuss Research Data Curation. Part 1 will discuss the new role of E-Science Librarian. In Part 2, speakers will explore Libraries and Big Data and their role in data curation. You can register for either or both parts. There is a 25% discount to registrants of both parts.

Part 1: E-Science Librarianship

Presenters will discuss the role of the library in the academic research enterprise and provide an overview of new librarian strategies, tools, and technologies developed to support the lifecycle of scholarly production and data curation. Specific challenges that face research libraries will be described and potential responses will be explored, along with a discussion of the types of skills and services that will be required for librarians to effectively curate research output.

Topics and speakers are:

  • The Evolution of E-Science Librarianship in the New England Region and Beyond – Elaine Martin, Editor, Journal of eScience Librarianship, University of Massachusetts Medical School
  • The Digital Research Enterprise: Identifying New Roles for Libraries – Chris Shaffer, University Librarian and Associate Professor, Oregon Health & Science University Library
  • Seeking Our Niche: Understanding the Needs of Research Personnel to Develop E-Science Services – Megan Sapp Nelson, Associate Professor of Library Sciences, Purdue University

Part 2: Libraries and Big Data

Faculty in all disciplines are increasingly creating and/or incorporating big data into their research and institutions are creating repositories and other tools to manage it all. There are many challenges to effectively manage and curate this data—challenges that are both similar and different to managing document archives. Libraries can and are assuming a key role in making this information more useful, visible, and accessible, such as creating taxonomies, designing metadata schemes, and systematizing retrieval methods. Our panelists will talk about their experience with big data curation, best practices for research data management, and the tools used by libraries as they take on this evolving role.

Topics and speakers are:

  • Academic Libraries Get Ready: Big data is here and it needs a (caring) home – Lisa Johnston, Research Services Librarian, Co-Director of the University Digital Conservancy, University of Minnesota Libraries
  • The Library’s Role in Enabling Data Interaction for Researchers – Sayeed Choudhury, Associate Dean for Research Data Management, Sheridan Libraries of Johns Hopkins University
  • Building Communities and Services to Support Data-Intensive Research – Carly Strasser, Data Curation Project Manager, UC Curation Center (UC3), California Digital Library

Registration is per site (access for one computer) and closes at 12:00 pm Eastern on September 11 for Part 1 and September 18 for Part 2 (the days of the webinars). Discounts are available for NISO and NASIG members and students. NISO Library Standards Alliance (LSA) members ( receive one free connection as part of membership and do not need to register.
You can register for either or both parts. There is a 25% discount if registering for both. Visit the event webpages to register and for more information.

Cynthia Hodgson
Technical Editor / Consultant
National Information Standards Organization

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Visualization of the IAMSLIC membership

Long-time member Pauline Simpson noted recently that visualization is emerging as a primary method to present data, information and knowledge; indeed the 2013 IAMSLIC Conference has included this in its program topics. During 2013, ‘Creating georeferenced bibliographies using Google Earth and Geo-Commons: the Coos Bay Bibliography’ by Jenni Schmitt and Barb Butler. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, No. 71, 2012. was published; it reminded Pauline of the potential of geovisualization tools for information products. She suggested earlier this year that the IAMSLIC Membership was a suitable dataset for geovisualization and contacted several colleagues for feeback on the idea. As a result, an informal project team was formed, consisting of Pauline Simpson, Barbara Butler, Steve Watkins, and Kristen LaBonte, IAMSLIC’s current Membership Database Manager.

We extracted address information from the membership database, tested several geocoding services for translating addresses into latitude/longitude coordinates, and used the coordinates to create prototype maps. The prototypes uncovered the need to edit and update some of the membership data, including attempting to locate website addresses for as many member institutions as possible where they were lacking in the database. Steve wrote scripts to build the maps on the fly using live data from the membership database, ensuring that the map displays will be automatically updated to reflect any changes to the address information in the database. The team presented the maps to the Executive Board and received approval to make them an integral part of the IAMSLIC website.

When you visit the IAMSLIC home page, you will now see the more limited public map, whose markers only indicate the name of the library and then offer a link to the library’s or institution’s website; no personal information is exposed via the public map. The second map on the Membership Directory page is only visible after one logs in to the page with the IAMSLIC members’ password, but it gives the name of the member and a link to full contact information for that member, offering another way of looking up member information by location when one does not know the person’s name or institution.

We encourage you to take a look at the maps and to provide us with any feedback for improvements. Please note that member locations are only geocoded to the level of city. Since multiple members are located in some cities, to see all individual markers one needs to zoom in to the location on the map until the separate markers appear. We recommend that you also continue to consult the alphabetical listings or search the membership directory for a particular person or location.

–Pauline Simpson, Barb Butler, Steve Watkins and Kristen LaBonte

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Digital Access to the Publications (1944-2008) of Professor Enrique Balech

It was finally launched the webpage dedicated to Prof. Balech (1912-2007)- more than a dinoflagellate taxonomist -, fondly and enthusiastically prepared by my friend Dr. Rut Akselman (for those who came to Mar del Plata or read the Proceedings 2010, she showed and explained the embroidered Diatoms). The page will be completed in stages. 

Guillermina Cosulich, INIDEP Library, Argentina

—– Original Message ———————————————————————-
Digital Access to the Publications (1944-2008) of Professor Enrique Balech

Available at

This initiative led by Dr. Rut Akselman and supported by IOC UNESCO, provides public access to most of the planktological studies published by the late Professor Enrique Balech. Some of them are little known and others are hard to find, even in specialized libraries. The great advantage is their availability in digital format and to have all of them in the same place. Our intention is to incorporate more papers in successive stages.

While E. Balech is mainly known for his taxonomic studies of dinoflagellates, especially those related to the genus Alexandrium, a producer of paralytic shellfish toxins, many of his publications (more than a hundred) focused on floristic studies of plankton communities, which he applied to improve biogeographical and hydrodynamic knowledge. Planktonic communities were thoroughly characterized in Balechs studies, because he could identify most of the species of the taxonomic groups present in each sample, from diatoms, dinoflagellates and tintinnids, to coccolithophorids, radiolarians or heliozoans, when present, thus taking into account both the phytoplankton and zooplankton .

We hope this initiative will be of value to the scientific community.

Henrik Enevoldsen
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
Head, IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae
University of Copenhagen- Marine Biological Section- Denmark
E-mail: Skype: henrik.oksfeldt.enevoldsen

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