Archive for Conference News

IAMSLIC conference registration is now open

Dear IAMSLIC members and friends:

We are pleased to announce that registration for the 40th IAMSLIC Conference in Noumea,  is now open!

Take advantage of early registration fees until July 31, after this date there will be an increase.

Please review the information on the registration page before registering. Note that guests must be registered separately.

If you have questions about registration, please contact the IAMSLIC Registration Team at

After you have registered, don’t forget to choose your accommodation at Lodging, then PLEASE contact the host, at to make the hotel reservation for you.  Please indicate if you would like to share a room or if you prefer to have a room to yourself.

We are in touch!, we are in the process of finalizing the program !

On behalf of the planning committees,

Guillermina Cosulich, Conference Convener
Mary-Clare Ame, Local Host

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IAMSLIC 2017 conference location


The Conference Site Selection Committee was tasked with soliciting and evaluating proposals for the 2017 and 2018 IAMSLIC Annual Conference. The Executive Board has approved their recommendations.

The 43rd IAMSLIC Conference in 2017 will be held in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA which is in the Cyamus region. Thank you to Kristen Anderson at the University of Hawaii at Manoa for hosting.

We are confirming the location for the 44th IAMSLIC Conference in 2018 and hope to announce it soon.

Thank you to the site selection committee for their work.
  • Daria Carle (Chair)
  • Irene Beltrán
  • Richard Awah Nche
  • Chris Nelson
  • Kristen Metzger
  • Popi Panagiotoglou
  • Silaja Thottathil

Sally Taylor
IAMSLIC President 2013-2014

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Reminder – IAMSLIC grant proposals due April 25

Dear IAMSLIC members,

Just a reminder that grant proposals are due April 25, 2014.

Proposals will be accepted from:

  1. members not affiliated with a regional group for projects or travel support (expected amount $500 US)
  2. members seeking travel support from the Guin Fund to attend the annual IAMSLIC conference (expected total amount for all grant recipients $4000 US)

Before submitting your proposal, please review the guidelines and reporting requirements at:

Since we would like to support several participants, we encourage you to apply for partial rather than full support. There will be other travel grant opportunities. IODE has graciously offered to support conference participation, and of course, we encourage you to check with your regional groups regarding the availability of travel funds.


Sally Taylor, IAMSLIC President 2013-2014

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Call for IAMSLIC grant proposals

Dear IAMSLIC members,

This is a call for grant proposals. The deadline is April 25, 2014.

Proposals will be accepted from:

  1. members not affiliated with a regional group for projects or travel support (expected amount $500 US)
  2. members seeking travel support from the Guin Fund to attend the annual IAMSLIC conference (expected total amount for all grant recipients $4000 US)

Before submitting your proposal, please review the guidelines and reporting requirements at:

Since we would like to support several participants, we encourage you to apply for partial rather than full support. There will be other travel grant opportunities. IODE has graciously offered to support conference participation, and of course, we encourage you to check with your regional groups regarding the availability of travel funds.


Sally Taylor, IAMSLIC President 2013-2014

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40th IAMSLIC Anniversary Conference Noumea- Short Survey

Help us improving the 40th IAMSLIC Conference organization, to be held in Noumea, New Caledonia, Sept. 14-18.

Please, click here to answer this very SHORT SURVEY.

Thank you very much on behalf of the Planning Committee.
Guillermina Cosulich

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IAMSLIC 2013 Conference Videos

For those IAMSLIC members who were unable to attend the 2013 conference or for those who would like to re-live it, I’m pleased to say that many of the presentations were recorded and are now available for your viewing pleasure.

To access the presentations:

  1. Please go to:
  2. Login using the same password you use for the members’ area of the IAMSLIC website.
  3. Click on the tab Presentation Videos.

Thank you to Nova Southeastern University for recording and to Jaime Goldman, our conference host for creating the webpage and embedding the videos.

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IAMSLIC Conference proposals- Deadline: next Monday March 17th

Yes, the deadline for submitting proposals for the 40th Anniversary Conference- Forty Years of Sailing: Connecting Islands in a Digital World, is next Monday 17th!
Did you already choose a topic and send the summary ? This year’s theme offers limitless possibilities for presentations, including:
• Importance of library partnerships and collaboration – with emphasis on Mar.& Aq.Info.Networks in the
Pacific Region
• Challenges and opportunities – services beyond our borders with multi-language communities
• Open Access policies/strategies of Marine and Aquatic Research Institutes
• Open Data management (interoperability, standards)
• Semantic web technologies
• Digital preservation
• Importance of library associations: Why and How IAMSLIC adds value to your Library?
• Disaster planning and recovery
• New technologies, other innovations and new initiatives

Don’t delay! Review the conference home page, read more about The Call, and then send your summary, in English- to
We look forward to hearing from you!

Guillermina Cosulich/Convenor IAMSLIC 2014/ On behalf of the Program Committee

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40th IAMSLIC Annual Conference and 2nd PIRG Meeting: Invitation and Call for Proposals

We invite you to join us for the 40th IAMSLIC Annual Conference and 2nd PIRG Meeting to be held September 14-18, 2014 at the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) located in Noumea, New Caledonia.

The program committee has selected the conference theme Forty Years of Sailing: Connecting Islands in a Digital World . The conference website is now live! and there you will find a full description of the conference theme and call for proposals as well as information about our host institution and local arrangements.

What is so special about this Conference? We will be celebrating our 40th Anniversary and many activities will be organized dedicated to the retirees and those that sailed this Association from the very beginning.

We look forward to receiving proposals for March 17th, 2014. A list of suggested topics and instructions for submission are available on the conference website.
On behalf of the planning committees, see you in September!

Guillermina Cosulich- Conference Convenor and Chair

Mary-Clare Ame- Local Host and PIRG Coordinator

Sally Taylor- IAMSLIC President 2013-2014

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Conference presentations now available

Dear IAMSLIC members,

The presentation files are now available as PDFs in the members’ area of the website at:

Because we did such an excellent job of “visualizing”, I had to reduce the file size which impacted the quality of the images in some cases. Feel free to send me a better PDF as long as it’s less than 7 MB.

I’ve also uploaded my photos to flickr at:

Thank you to our local hosts, conference committees, sponsors, presenters, moderators and attendees for such an interesting and enjoyable week!
Sally Taylor, 39th IAMSLIC Annual Conference Convenor

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Conference program finalized!

The program for the 39th IAMSLIC Annual Conference and 23rd SAIL Annual Meeting is now finalized and available on the conference web site! Thanks to our presenters, moderators, planning committees and sponsors, we have a wonderful variety of presentations and activities planned for you.

A few items of note:

The Green Flash session scheduled for the afternoon of Wed. Oct. 23 will include brief presentations on new technologies, services, resources, initiatives and more! Planned talks include demonstrating new collaborative tools, setting up a repository, library renovations, collaborative projects, and digitization projects. It’s not too late to be included! Do you have a program to brag about that was particularly successful? What about a new resource that others might find useful? Did you find a particularly funny cartoon we can all enjoy? Contact Kristen LaBonte at if you would like to share news, reviews and other flashes of insight with colleagues.

Don’t forget to bring something for the Guin Auction! The Guin Fund was established to support participation in IAMSLIC by subsidizing memberships and attendance at meetings. A silent auction is held at the annual conference to raise money for the fund. Members bring smallish items to donate to the auction. Jewelry, liquor, handmade items, posters, books, unique items from different countries and t-shirts all sell well. Each person is assigned a secret name to bid on items. Bids are in the local currency (U.S. dollars this year) and ROUND amounts only (NO quarters, dimes, nickels, or pennies). Don’t forget that the space you have in your luggage bringing items can be used to take items home.

It’s not too late to sign up for the fun and exciting pre and post conference field trips – spaces are still available! On Sunday, October 20, we visit Flamingo Gardens in the morning, and on October 25, we spend a full day at the Billie Swamp Safari. Sign up today and join your colleagues on these fun eco-adventures to see even more of South Florida during your stay! To register, login to your registration account and add your selections.

Safe travels to all. Looking forward to seeing you in sunny Florida!

On behalf of the conference planning committees,

Sally Taylor, Conference Convenor
Jaime Goldman & Keri Baker, Local Hosts
Maria Kalentsits, IAMSLIC President
Joyce Shaw, SAIL Representative

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