Archive for Conference News

Reminder: Call for 38th IAMSLIC Conference presentations

Dear colleagues,

We would like to remind you that the Call for Conference Presentations is open until March 30, 2012.

The submission deadline for poster presentations is extended until April 30, 2012.

Proposals for panel discussions are also welcome.

For complete details, including what to include in your proposal, please see the conference website.

Thank you very much and looking forward to seeing your proposals.


Maria Kalentsits & the Program Committee


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IAMSLIC 38th Annual Conference, 26-30 August 2012 and Cyamus 24th Annual Meeting, 24-25 August 2012 “Exploring New Frontiers in Aquatic Sciences Information Management”

Dear Colleagues,

The planning for the 38th IAMSLIC Conference is proceeding well. I am glad to invite you to take a look at the conference website. This is going to be a wonderful event and we hope many of you will be able to participate.

The Call for Paper Proposals is now open and the proposal deadline is Friday, March 30th, 2012. We invite submissions of proposals for papers, posters, workshops, and panel session.

Some potential topics:

  • Patron-driven acquisitions
  • Electronic books
  • Mobile devices and social networking
  • Digitization projects & copyright
  • Beyond the institutional repository – innovative uses or creation of tools. What comes next?
  • Citation management tools
  • Cited searching (the new Google Scholar Citations tool)
  • Data services/Data librarianship
  • Discovery Services
  • Research commons
  • Collaborative projects with scientists – either using librarian skills in scientific research (this might include data management) or creating science from library materials
  • Proving the value of the Library or changing the role of the Library to stay viable

For complete details, including what to include in your proposal, see the conference website.

Please email conference proposals to by March 30, 2012.

We look forward to receiving your proposal and hope you will be able to join us in Alaska in August 2012.

 May I use this opportunity to wish you a wonderful Holiday Season and a New Year of peace and happiness!

Maria Kalentsits

IAMSLIC Vice-President/Convenor IAMSLIC 2012

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Zanzibar IAMSLIC Conference

We are missing Lenora who is always so good about documenting what is happening at IAMSLIC conferences. People are still trickling in, many reporting travel adventures both good and bad. Cancelled flights and 12 hour layovers in the Nairobi airport challenged some attendees. For others who had long layovers, the airline put them up in a nice hotel and gave them free meals.

Yesterday we had a nice tour of Stonetown which included visiting old underground slave holding cells, a walk through the central market and shopping district, and time in the museum which once was the highest building in Africa and affords nice views of the city.

We return to our hotel and had time to refresh and dress up for the wonderful reception Edna has arranged with plenty of great food, drinks, and a DJ playing music for dancing. There are photos somewhere documenting me in long pants and a tie as I dresses to meet the Tanzanian dignitaries who were a no-show (family illness).

Today we get to work.

Joe Wible
Hopkins Marine Station

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Conference countdown

The hotel gave IAMSLIC a great deal for the hotel rooms for our conference and that price will be soon. Please book now. If you are having any problems getting through to the hotel let Edna, Amy or Marcia know immediately.
Our email address are on the Conference website at:
In addition, check out the page on the site called: Before you pack.
If you or your guests are registered then their names should be on the Attendees list, if they are not please contact us.
Wish you all could be in Zanzibar for this our first conference in Africa!

Marcia Croy-Vanwely
IAMSLIC President

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IAMSLIC Business Meeting

The IAMSLIC Business Meeting will held during the upcoming Conference in Zanzibar 16-21 October.
The minutes from the 2010 Conference, MOUs, Treasurer’s report, Regional reports, Committee reports etc. can be found on the IAMSLIC website. All reports are due and once received are posted on the website.

Please read these documents whether you are attending the conference or not. I would appreciate receiving any questions, comments or concerns:

Minutes 2010 :
Annual reports :
MoU with IOC :
MoU with FAO:

Marcia Croy-Vanwely
IAMSLIC President 2011

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Zanzibar 2011 Conference

If you are planning on coming to Zanzibar then you will delighted with the new rates that have just been negotiated.

NEW RATES: Hotel room with breakfast: $100 single / $120 double / $150 triple
Zanzibar Beach Resort Reservations:

Please join us for the 37th IAMSLIC Conference and the 5th AFRIAMSLIC Conference, 16th-21st October 2011
Information Safari: Discovering and Sharing Resources

Marcia Croy-Vanwely, IAMSLIC President

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Iamslic Minutes 2010

The draft minutes of the 2 Business Meetings and of the 2 Executive Board Meetings, that were held in Mar del Plata Argentina, have now been posted to the website under Members Access-Meeting Minutes. 

Marcia Croy-Vanwely
Iamslic President

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Call for Grant Proposals

Project-related grant proposals will be accepted from members not affiliated with a regional group. Travel grants will be accepted from all IAMSLIC members seeking support from the Guin Fund to attend the annual IAMSLIC conference. For proposal details and format go to: 
Deadline extended 15 April 2011

Marcia Croy-Vanwely
Iamslic, President

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Call for Conference sites proposals

The Conference Site Selection committee is now accepting proposals for the Annual IAMSLIC conference in 2013 (a location in SAIL); 2014 (a location in PRIG); and possible host sites in the EURASLIC region for the 2015 conference.
Your proposals should be addressed to Daria Carle, chair of the committee, at:
Marcia Croy-Vanwely
Iamslic, President

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Fare thee well (until 2011)

The final day of the conference found us all up much earlier than any previous day. So early, the hotel didn’t get the complete breakfast buffet set out before we all dashed off to catch the bus for our tour of the INIDEP library and the final presentation by Dr. Martin Ehrlich on the 200 year history of marine biological research in Argentina. What a fascinating history it was.  So much of Argentina is international, even the scientific history is international. From indigenous populations, Spanish, French and German, the scientific knowledge has been developed by local people, scientists and even the Jesuits to better understand the rich biodiversity of Argentina and the Argentine Sea.

And thus we move on to the 2nd business meeting for 2010.  Blah blah blah. And they let us have a few minutes outside in the sun on the real beach with sand, not rocks, and waves. Yes, I stood in the surf for a few minutes, reacquainting myslef with the Atlantic. Not that I actually did much interaction with the ocean when I lived in Virginia Beach, but I spent time tanning on the beach. Yes, I did tan, it was the 80’s.

So, we all piled back on the bus for a nice drive out to Estancia Santa Isabel for our ‘banquet’. Ok, we were treated to a lovely, traditional Asado.  But first, the show. A few appetizers, some drinks and the gauchos ride up the green. Wow. How cool. Pictures and videos to come. We all cheered during the races of skill and speed. Then the game. Each rider was given a little stick. They were to ride toward this tny ring suspended overhead and put the stick through the ring.  You’ll have to see the pictures, but the ring wasn’t more than 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter, quite small.  There were a number of misses, but a couple of the gauchos were successful. Then Silverio Ortiz was given a try at the ring and he was successful in spearing the oittle thing. The final bit of fun was the land sled made from some type of hide pulled behind the horses.  A quick demonstration and all were invited to ride. Yes, there are pictures and videos of the various souls brave enough to try this new excitement. No, not me. The poor horse would not have moved a hoof.

After the entertainment, we were taken to the party room where we were delighted with traditional foods including blood sausage and chorizo (I think), a variety of salads (green, coleslaw, & potato). Tinto (red) and blanco (white) wines were offered as well as sodas (gaseosas) and water. We did get to observe the cooking technqigue which involved skewering huge chunks of meat and planting the sticks in the gournd around a fire. The sausages were grilled a bit closer to the fire, but not directly over the fire.  Each different meat was brought around by servers and we selected our own favorite tasty morsel to gnaw on. When the Grupo Latino Americano got rambunctious, the music got turned up and the dancing commenced. For those who have attended a conference, you all know what the dancing is all about. Great variety of music by the DJ and a wonderful time was had by all. Finally, we were all herded back to the bus to head back to our hotels and ready ourselves for further travels or our trip home.  Some folks are heading over to Mendoza for horse back riding and wine tours, some are heading up to Iguazu Falls with a promise of a full moon tour of the falls, some are heading south to Puerto Madryn with hopes of seeing whales and other Patagonian adventures.

I wish you all safe travels and good times. Be well for the next year and see you in Zanzibar.  By the way, my 14 year old son will be traveling with me, so if you have a child of similar age, and feel so inclined, perhaps we can set them up as buddies during the conference.

Alamsiki, kuona mwaka ujao

StreamNet Regional Librarian
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

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