Archive for Committee news

IAMSLIC welcomes new members

Mario Espejel

Colegio de Postgraduados, Biblioteca Central

Km. 36.5 Carr. Mex. – Texcoco, Montecillo

Texcoco, Mexico 56230


Telephone: 0015558045900 x1129






Ekaterina Kulakova

Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (YugNIRO) World Ocean Fisheries Resources


2 Sverdlov Street

Kerch, Crimea 98300


Telephone: (380-6561) 2-10-12

Fax: (380-6561) 6-16-27



Eloisa de Sousa Maia

Instituto Oceanografico (IO/USP), Universidade de Sao Paulo

Praca do Oceanografico, 191 Cidade Universitaria-Butana

Sao Paulo, CEP 05508-900


Telephone: (0055)(0xx11)3091-6590

Fax: (0055)(0xx11)3091-5040




Fabiola Riquelme

Instituto Antartico Chileno Library

Plaza Munoz Gamero 1055

Punta Arenas, Region de Magallanes y Antarti 620-9100


Telephone: 56-61 298144

Fax: 56-61 298149




Dan Schill

Idaho Department of Fish and Game

PO Box 25, 600 South Walnut

Boise, ID 83707

United States

Telephone: 208-287-2777

Fax: 208-334-2114



Kristen L. Metzger,  Membership Database & Committee Chair


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IAMSLIC welcomes new members from around the world

DeKock, Alisun
Shedd Aquarium Library
Address: 1200 S. Lake Shore Drive
City: Chicago
State/Prov: IL
Postal Code: 60605
Country: United States
Telephone: (312) 692-3280

Patu, Lusila
Library of American Samoa Environmental Resource, Dept. of Marine & Wildlife Resources
Address: PO Box 3730
City: Pago Pago
State/Prov: American Samoa
Postal Code: 96799
Country: United States
Telephone: 684-633-4456 ext. 41

Vallejo Sanchez, Maria Magdalena
Centro de Investigacion en Alimentacion y Desarrollo, A. C.
Address: Carr. a la Victoria Km. 06
City: Hermosillo
State/Prov: Sonora
Postal Code: 83000
Country: Mexico
Telephone: 52 (662)289-24-00 ext. 245 y 2

Raikaon, Tumoa
Fisheries Division, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development
Address: PO Box 276
City: Bikenibeu
State/Prov: Tarawa
Country: Republic of Kiribati

Ta’amu, Va’asa
Library of American Samoa Environmental Resource, Dept. of Marine & Wildlife Resources
Address: PO Box 3730
City: Pago Pago
State/Prov: American Samoa
Postal Code: 97699
Country: United States
Telephone: 684-633-4456 ext. 42

Kamar, Nerisa
J.D. Rockefeller Research Library (TEEAL), Egerton University
Address: Box 536
City: Egerton
Country: Kenya
Telephone: 051-2217855

Kemp, Peter
Mycologia Pty. Ltd.
Address: 1/454 Scarborough Beach Road
City: Osborne Park
State/Prov: WA
Postal Code: 6017
Country: Australia
Telephone: +61894435755

Osta, Viviane
Marine Research Center – CNRSL – National Centre for Marine Sciences – National Council for Scientific Research
Address: San Stefano Street
City: Batroun
Postal Code: 534
Country: Lebanon
Telephone: +9616741582/3

Culp, Kristin
Thomson Reuters
Address: 3501 Market Street
City: Philadelphia
State/Prov: PA
Postal Code: 19104
Country: United States
Telephone: 800-336-4474 x3912

Collins, Lori
Bedford Institute of Oceanography Library
Address: 1 Challenger Drive
City: Dartmouth
State/Prov: Nova Scotia
Postal Code: B2Y 4A2
Country: Canada
Telephone: 902-496-1544

Kone, Tehena
Universite de Cocody Library
Address: rue de l’universite
City: Abidjan, Cocody
Postal Code: 225
Country: Cote d’Ivoire
Telephone: 00 (225) 08251761

Kristen L. Metzger, Membership Database & Committee Chair

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Sites Selected for 2010 and 2011 Annual IAMSLIC Conference


I’m pleased to announce that the Site Selection Committee has recommended conference sites for 2010 and 2011.  The committee was asked to choose conference sites in the two regions which have not yet had the opportunity to host the annual meeting (Latin America* and Africa).  The Annual IAMSLIC Conference in 2010 will be hosted by Guillermina Cosulich and her staff at the INIDEP Library, Mar Del Plata, Argentina.  Edna Nyika will host the conference in 2011 in Zanzibar,  Tanzania.  Thank you Guillermina and Edna for your willingness to host the conference!


Barb Butler

*Yes, we did meet in Mazatlan but that was before the Latin American Regional Group was formed.

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Candidates Sought to run for office of President of IAMSLIC

To our IAMSLIC Membership:


I have been tasked as Chair of the Nominating Committee for IAMSLIC, to come up with at least two nominees willing to run for the office of President of IAMSLIC.  This is really a four year commitment:


Duties of the IAMSLIC President:

Junior President-Elect (2009): Voting member of Executive Board and
responsible for coordinating Executive board web page updates with the
web committee.   This meeting will be held in Belgium

President-Elect (2010): Voting member of Executive Board and
conference convener. This meeting will occur in Latin America.

President (2011): Runs Executive Board and business meetings,
manages IAMSLIC committee appointments and oversees IAMSLIC business.
Acts as grant administration for IAMSLIC grant cycles.   This meeting will be held in Africa

Past-President (2012): Serves on the Executive Board in a
non-voting advisory capacity and may chair the Bylaws Committee. This meeting will likely be held in the U.S.A.

The IAMSLIC bylaws allow for a conference registration waiver for the
year the candidate serves as President and a minimal amount of travel
support for IAMSLIC elected officers, but candidates should also have
the support (programmatically and hopefully financially as well) of
their institution when they commit to run and we do ask for written
acceptance from candidates who have agreed to stand for office.

We would love to hear from you either to nominate yourself, or with the names of candidates you think would make a good President and be willing to serve.  Our Committee members are:

Natalie Wiest <> <>, Chair
Marcel Brannemann <>
<> (Euraslic- 2010)
Andrea Cristiani <> <> (Latin
America- 2009)
Ann Devenish <> <>
(Unaffiliated 2009)
Meredith Hepburn <
<> (PIRG- 2010)
Pam Olson < > <mailto: >
(Cyamus- 2009)
Amady Sow <> <>
(Afriamslic- 2010)

Thank you!




Natalie Wiest

Chair, IAMSLIC Nominating Committee

Jack K. Williams Library

Texas A&M University at Galveston, U.S.A.

(409)740-4567        fax:  (409)740-4702

Comments (2)

Membership Committee Report



Preliminary discussions are underway concerning the pros and cons of forming one regional group comprising the Asia and Pacific regions. Committee members are in favor of this plan.  The Pacific Islands Group was recently enlarged to include members from Australia and New Zealand.  We have more than 20 Asia members currently not affiliated with a regional group and this incorporation of Asian members into the Pacific group would be a workable plan until a separate Asian group is formed. Please give us your thoughts on this. If there are no objections, we will move forward on formalizing this plan.

The regional group representatives have been contacting existing IAMSLIC members who are currently not subscribing to our email discussion list and encouraging them to do so.  Chris Nelson (Australia) actively kicked off this campaign and his work is greatly appreciated. In the past, many avoided subscribing due to heavy interlibrary loan traffic on the list.  However, thanks to the active and efficient use of the IAMSLIC Z39.50 Distributed Library, this is no longer a problem. We encourage all members to subscribe to the discussion list.

Instructions may be found here:

The regional groups are also composing welcome letters that will encourage new IAMSLIC members to be active participants in their regional groups.  Thanks to Bart Goossens (Belgium), the EURASLIC welcome letter is already being used. Olga Akimova (Russia) has kindly translated this letter into Russian.  The committee is actively seeking new members. Special thanks for major recruitment mailings that were done by Murari Tapaswi (India) and Jean Collins (Italy).  Murari is trying to increase our membership in Asia and Jean has concentrated on fisheries related organizations.  Also, thanks to Amy Arisola (Philippines) who is promoting IAMSLIC within the SEAFDEC network.

Another recruitment mailing is underway in North America targeting both organizations that formerly had member librarians and organizations that appear to be unaware of our existence.

WE RELY ON EXISTING MEMBERS TO HELP RECRUIT NEW PEOPLE. Keep in mind that we also grant one-time three-year sponsored memberships to those needing financial aid to join the organization.  If you wish to suggest an individual or organization for a sponsored membership, please contact your regional group representative or any member of the membership committee. Committee members can be found here:

Membership brochures are available on the website in 5 languages:

We recently added a brochure in Portuguese. Special thanks to Maria Salete Ribelatto Arita for providing the translation and to Gabriela Silvoni for making this happen. The printable membership directory is constantly updated to reflect both new members and changes to entries for existing members.

The online membership directory is both searchable and printable and can be found in the members only area of the IAMSLIC website 

IAMSLIC currently has 359 members. Please join the membership committee in welcoming the following new members:

Ahmed El Nemr

Ministry of Scientific Research, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF)

Alexandria, Egypt


Domingo Tasso Junior

Universidade de Sao Paulo, Instituto Oceanografico (IO/USP)

Sao Paulo, Brazil


Carola Kauhs

Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie: Bibliotheks-und Informationsservice des ZMAW

Hamburg, Germany


Carla Wood

Fundacion Chile Library

Santiago, Chile


Satya Ranjan

National Institute of Oceanography

Goa, India


Ann Hubble

University of California, Santa Cruz, Science & Engineering Library

Santa Cruz, California, United States


Martina Plettendorff

Bundesamt fuer Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency Library

Hamburg, Germany


Ataban Kapule

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

Honiara, Solomon Islands


Comments and suggestions are welcome.


Respectfully submitted,

Kristen L. Metzger , Membership Committee Chair

29 May 2008



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Aquatic Commons. Content Development Group

From the Content Development Group (Joan Parker, Jan Haspeslagh, Janet Webster, Jean Collins)

Every time I start to write this – something new clicks into place for the Aquatic Commons and I never quite manage to communicate news from this Group.

Here is a brief resumé of some of our efforts to build the Content of AC – to promote the use of AVANO as our harvester – and to ask more IAMSLIC members to get involved:

Aquatic Commons brochure – available on the IAMSLIC AC page All members are requested to display and/or distribute the brochure as part of the awareness raising campaign.

Building content – The CDG has started a work-in-progress spreadsheet to help us keep track of which collections or institutions or even individual series are at the planning stage or on an IAMSLIC member’s wish list for digitization and inclusion in AC. Some members are digitizing the publications of their own organization (or plan to) , others are digitizing and/or depositing for another organization. In the latter case a signed copy of an agreement with the originating institution is needed for the IAMSLIC archives. A suggested Contributor agreement is available

Once we have consolidated the spreadsheet i.e. tidied it up a bit, we will find somewhere it can be accessed by members.

Some of the areas we have been targetting so far include those institutions with publications up on a website but not in a Repository – obviously the priorities of the CDG may not be the same as yours. The best way to make sure we are more inclusive is by sending your wishlist to any one of the CDG. Be prepared to be asked to contact the institution/s and make them aware of AC and the advantages of getting their publications into a Repository.

Avano is doing a very nice job of harvesting our institutional repositories as well as the thematic ones. It harvests FAO metadata now – even though our Repository is not OAI-PMH compatible. The list of repositories being harvested is impressive Check that yours is included.

A lot of people are working behind the scenes to make AC a big success and of course more bodies are always needed. Have a look at the IAMSLIC AC page and see where you might contribute your skills.

Linking your library website to the Aquatic Commons and Avano is also a good way to publicize.

Comments, ideas, volunteers – any one of the Collection Development Group will be happy to hear from you.

Jean Collins

Comments (1)

Site Selection and Nominating Committees

Earlier this year the IAMSLIC Executive Board decided to provide both the Site Selection and Nominating Committees with improved structure and continuity by having only half of each committee replaced each year (rather than re-forming the committee each time). Details are available on the respective web pages and my thanks to Beth Avery for chairing Site Selection this year and Natalie Wiest for chairing the Nominating Committee.

Barb Butler

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