Archive for Committee news

Aloha Hawaii! 43rd annual IAMSLIC conference

It’s that time of the year again and we are on an excited countdown to our 43rd annual conference, being held this year in Honolulu, Hawaii October 22-26. Blurring the Edges: The Osmosis of Ideas, is shaping up to be a great conference so far. Our expectations are high and the venue alone should make you tingle with anticipation.

The conference will be hosted by the University of Hawaii and the NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center. Stay tuned to this blog as we will bring you details of our speakers over the coming weeks and reveal to you the excellent networking, collaboration, and learning opportunity, that this conference brings.

Conference details are available at you can find information on lodgings, transport, registration, the programme, local attractions and all the usual stuff.

Please tweet and include @iamslicorg and our conference hashtag #IamHawaii, we’d love to see pictures of how you’re preparing for the conference, your posters being printed, practicing for your talk, getting on your flight- everything around this conference is exciting and we’d like to share it with you, so get tweeting 🙂

This could be you in a few weeks!

Conference committees

Program Planning Committee

Dave Baca, Chair

Steve Watkins, President

Jeanine Scaramozzino, Junior President-Elect


Maureen Nolan, CYAMUS

Hannah Russell, Pacific Islands

Jean Thoulag, University of Hawaii

Local Committee

Kris Anderson

Jean Thoulag

Thumy Web

Posted by Stephanie Ronan on behalf of the communications team.

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2012-13 Summary of Resource Sharing Statistics

In July of each year, I collate and summarize the resource sharing statistics from the IAMSLIC Distributed Library project. 2012/13 represents the eleventh complete year of the resource sharing program. A total of 4322 requests were submitted during 2012/13, an overall decrease of 17% from the previous year. A total of 43,023 requests have been submitted via the system since its inception in 2002.

The resource sharing program continues to be broadly international in scope, with 75 different IAMSLIC lending libraries in 26 countries receiving borrowing requests from 124 IAMSLIC libraries in 45 countries, similar to previous years’ numbers. 33 (44%) of those 75 lending libraries are in the United States and they received 68.2% of the total requests, the highest percentage since 2004/05. Libraries in Germany, Australia, Mexico, Canada, India, Argentina, the Philippines, Belgium and Colombia collectively received 27.9% of the borrowing requests.

The Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University (U.S.) regained its status as the top lending library this year, followed by Hatfield Marine Science Center of Oregon State University (U.S.), the Alfred Wegener Institut in Bremerhaven (Germany), the Pell Marine Science Library at the University of Rhode Island (U.S.), and the University of Hawaii (U.S.).

Overall activity across the Regional Groups is more balanced than in recent years, although EURASLIC and SAIL still conduct much of their regional interlibrary loan activity via their discussion lists, so the number of transactions via the Distributed Library does not reflect the full volume of resource sharing in those regions. The Latin American region continues to make active use of the resource sharing program while contributing a substantial amount of lending in return, including an significant percentage of requests filled within the region. Of particular note is the increase in activity in the Pacific region where members from 6 countries constituted 20.3% of all borrowing, while members from 3 of those countries contributed 8% of overall lending. (Note that these numbers include India and Malaysia which are not part of the formal geographic boundaries of the Pacific Islands Regional Group).

The complete set of data is available on the Distributed Library website via the Resource Sharing Statistics link at It includes a spreadsheet for each year that offers charts and additional analysis of lending and borrowing patterns. I encourage you to look at the 2012/13 numbers and will be glad to answer any questions you may have about the data.

Steve Watkins
California State University, Monterey Bay, Library

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IAMSLIC Business Meeting

The IAMSLIC Business Meeting will held during the upcoming Conference in Zanzibar 16-21 October.
The minutes from the 2010 Conference, MOUs, Treasurer’s report, Regional reports, Committee reports etc. can be found on the IAMSLIC website. All reports are due and once received are posted on the website.

Please read these documents whether you are attending the conference or not. I would appreciate receiving any questions, comments or concerns:

Minutes 2010 :
Annual reports :
MoU with IOC :
MoU with FAO:

Marcia Croy-Vanwely
IAMSLIC President 2011

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Annual Resource Sharing Summary

In July of each year, I collate and summarize the resource sharing statistics from the IAMSLIC Distributed Library project. 2010/11 represents the ninth complete year of the resource sharing program. A total of 5310 requests were submitted during 2010/11, the highest volume of activity recorded to date. A total of 33,486 requests have been submitted via the system since its inception in 2002.

The resource sharing program continues to be broadly international in scope, with 73 different IAMSLIC lending libraries in 23 countries receiving borrowing requests from 124 IAMSLIC libraries in 47 countries, similar to previous year’s numbers, but with a modest increase in the number of libraries that submitted borrowing requests. 36 (49%) of those 73 lending libraries are in the United States and they received 66.7% of the total requests, a much larger percentage than in recent years, which have averaged close to 60% from U.S. member libraries.  Libraries in Germany, Australia, Mexico and Canada collectively received 26.2% of the borrowing requests.

The Alfred Wegener Institut in Bremerhaven (Germany) regained its status as the top lending library this year, followed by the Hatfield Marine Science Center of Oregon State University (U.S.) , the University of Hawaii (U.S.),  Hopkins Marine Station (U.S.), and the Pell Marine Science Library at the University of Rhode Island (U.S.) .

The Latin American region continues to make active use of the resource sharing program while contributing a substantial amount of lending in return, including an significant percentage of requests filled within the region. A growing number of EURASLIC libraries are active users of the system, both lenders and borrowers. EURASLIC still conducts much of its regional interlibrary loan activity via its discussion list, so the number of transactions via the Distributed Library does not reflect the full volume of resource sharing in the region. The volume of activity has begun to increase  in AFRIAMSLIC and remains moderate in the Pacific region.

The complete set of data is available on the Distributed Library website via the Resource Sharing Statistics link at It includes a spreadsheet for each year that offers charts and additional analysis of lending and borrowing patterns. I encourage you to look at the 2010/11 numbers and will be glad to answer any questions you may have about the data.

Steve Watkins
California State University, Monterey Bay, Library

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Call for Conference sites proposals

The Conference Site Selection committee is now accepting proposals for the Annual IAMSLIC conference in 2013 (a location in SAIL); 2014 (a location in PRIG); and possible host sites in the EURASLIC region for the 2015 conference.
Your proposals should be addressed to Daria Carle, chair of the committee, at:
Marcia Croy-Vanwely
Iamslic, President

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New website is now live

Dear IAMSLICers,

As some of you may have noticed if you have visited the IAMSLIC website today, the name servers have been redirected so that now points to the new website. Because it can take a day or two for these changes to propagate worldwide, some of you may still be taken to the old website, but this should change over time. In the meantime, because many of the internal links in the new website still show the temporary address, here are some direct links to several of the key sections of the new website that you may wish to bookmark:

IAMSLIC Home Page: or
IAMSLIC News & Events Blog:
2010 Conference Website:
2010 Conference Registration:

–Steve Watkins
Chair, Website & Communications Committee

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IAMSLIC website moves next week

Dear Colleagues,

The IAMSLIC Website and Communications Committee has been working jointly with the EURASLIC Web Committee since the past conference in Belgium to investigate alternatives for the hosting platform for our various web services and resources. Last week, the IAMSLIC Executive Board approved our proposal to relocate the IAMSLIC website to a commercial hosting service rather than purchasing a new server to replace the obsolete server that has been hosted by the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole. Since then, Sally Taylor and I have been working to replicate all of the IAMSLIC website and blog content on the new host platform and we have completed that work. In fact, this is the first posting from the new IAMSLIC blog to be broadcast to the IAMSLIC Discussion List.

We anticipate that the Internet address (  for the website will be redirected to the new host starting on Tuesday or Wednesday next week, 13 or 14 July, 2010.  Once that occurs, I will send out a followup message with the specific URL addresses of the main IAMSLIC website, the News & Events blog, the 2010 conference website, etc. In the meantime, you may preview the new website at its temporary address:

Steve Watkins
Chair, Website and Communications Committee

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Welcome to new members

Please welcome the following new (or returned) IAMSLIC members:

Judith Rogers, University of the Virgin Islands
Tara Booth, National Inquiry Services Centre (NISC), South Africa
Joyce Downey, University of Rhode Island, Pell Marine Science Library
Elizabeth Knight, Charles Darwin Foundation, Ecuador
Yolanda Lopez, Biblioteca Nacional de Salud Panama, Universidad de Panama
Amelia Chavez Comparon, CICESE – Library, Mexico
Katherine Miller, Woodward Library, University of British Columbia
Darlene Tan, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa

Please note the IAMSLIC Membership Committee reps. (always happy to answer membership questions) are:

Chair: Jean Collins (ad interim 2010)   Membership Database: Kristen Metzger (2007- )

Members: Geoffrey Salanje (AFRIAMSLIC); Janet Webster (CYAMUS); Bart Goossens (EURASLIC); Gabriela Silvoni (Latin American Regional Group); Chris Nelson (Pacific Islands); Victoria Wellborn (SAIL); William Ko (Asia member at large) and Armand Gribling (Member-at-large).

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12 New Members and Special Thanks to ASFA

IAMSLIC welcomes 12 new members (below) and would like to give a special thanks to ASFA/FAO and Mr. Richard Pepe for their generous continued support of 31 IAMSLIC members.  For more information on ASFA:


Feruggia, Celeste

Facultad Regional Chubut UTN (Universidad Tecnologica Nacional Biblioteca

Address: Roberts 61

City: Puerto Madryn

State/Prov: Chubut

Postal Code: 9120

Country: Argentina



Franklin, Kay

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Gulf Ecology Division

Address: 1 Sabine Island Drive

City: Gulf Breeze

State/Prov: Florida

Postal Code: 32561

Country: United States

Telephone: 850-934-9218




Giovannini, Floriane


Address: Parc de Tourvoie, BP 44

City: Antony Cedex

Postal Code: 92163

Country: France

Telephone: 33-140966287



Jamili, Shahla

Iranian Fisheries Research Organization (IFRO)

Address: No. 297, W. Fatemi Avenue ; PO Box 1415506116

City: Tehran

Country: Iran

Telephone:  21 6919133, 6946878




Jannes-Ober, Emmanuelle


Address: Parc de Tourvoie, BP 44

City: Antony Cedex

Postal Code: 92163

Country: France

Telephone: 33-140966096




Lapchenko, Valentyna

Karadag Nature Reserve, Library

Address: 24, Nauki Street

City: Kurortnoe, Feodosia

State/Prov: Crimea

Postal Code: 98188

Country: Ukraine

Telephone: (380-6562) 26-289




Mamer, Liz

Idaho Department of Fish and Game

Address: PO Box 25, 600 South Walnut

City: Boise

State/Prov: ID

Postal Code: 83707

Country: United States

Telephone: 208-465-8404 x270



Mychalechko, Olena

Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Odessa Branch

Address: 37, Pushkinskaya Street

City: Odessa

Postal Code: 65125

Country: Ukraine

Telephone: 048-725-09-18



Ortiz, Silverio

Instituto de Biologia Marina y Pesquera

Address: San Martin 247

City: San Antonio Oeste

State/Prov: Rio Negro

Postal Code: 224

Country: Argentina

Telephone: (02934) 42 2752



Panagiotoglou, Popi

Hellenic Center for Marine Research- Documentation and Information Center

Address: P.O. Box 712, 46.7 km Athens-Sounion Avenue

City: Anavyssos

State/Prov: Attiki

Postal Code: 19013

Country: Greece

Telephone: ï­½22910-76319



Roering, Anke


Address: Max-Planck-Str

City: Geesthacht

Postal Code: 21502

Country: Germany

Telephone: 0049-4152-87-1692




Steimle, Claire L.

U.S. NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service

Address: 74 Magruder Rd.

City: Highlands

State/Prov: NJ

Postal Code: 07732

Country: United States

Telephone: 732-872-3035




Kristen L. Metzger, Membership Chair (outgoing)




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New Members / July – September 2009

Inoque, Daniel
Instituto Nacional de Investigacao Pesqueira
Address: Mao Tse Tung
City: Maputo
Postal Code: 4603
Country: Mozambique
Telephone: +25821490307

Peimer, Elizabeth Ann
Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Division Newport (MRC), Environmental Plannning and Biological Analysis
Address: 1176 Howell Street
City: Newport
State/Prov: RI
Postal Code: 02841
Country: United States
Telephone: 401-832-3568

Panouse, Marie-Therese
Observatoire Oceanologique de Banyuls, Laboratoire Arago
City: Banyuls-sur-mer
Postal Code: 66650
Country: France
Telephone: 33 4 68 88 16 99

Mayer, Marina
Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Address: Bijenicka cesta 54
City: Zagreb
Postal Code: 10000
Country: Croatia
Telephone: +385 1 4561 043
Brumnic, Virna
Center for Marine Research Rovinj, RBI Zagreb
Address: Giordano Paliaga 5
City: Rovinj
State/Prov: Istria
Postal Code: 52210
Country: Croatia
Telephone: 385 52 804 730

Le Maire, Johan
Flemish Environment Agency (VMM)  Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij
Address: A. Van de Maelestraat 96
City: Erembodegem
Postal Code: 9320
Country: Belgium
Telephone: 32 53 72 64 45

Hines, Susie
Horn Point Laboratory, University of Maryland, CES
Address: 5745 Lovers Land ; PO Box 775
City: Cambridge
State/Prov: MD
Postal Code: 21613
Country: United States
Telephone: 410-221-8450

Kaumi, Pricilla Maigu
Papua New Guinea National Fisheries Authority
Address: Douglas Street
City: Port Moresby
State/Prov: National Capital District
Postal Code: 121
Country: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: (675) 309-0490

Roga, Valina
Papua New Guinea National Fisheries Authority
Address: Douglas Street
City: Port Moresby
State/Prov: National Capital District
Postal Code: 121
Country: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: (675) 309-0047

Gardner, Sue Ann
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Love Library
Address: 302S Love Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
City: Lincoln
State/Prov: NE
Postal Code: 68588-4100
Country: United States
Telephone: 402-423-4771
Sepe, Theresia Alesa
Papua New Guinea National Fisheries Authority
Address: Douglas Street
City: Port Moresby
State/Prov: National Capital District
Postal Code: 121
Country: Papua New Guinea
Telephone: (675) 309 0472



Kristen L. Metzger, Membership Committee and Membership Database Chair




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