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Future of Libraries: Comic to enjoy

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CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Hobart Library refurbishment

Those IAMSLIC members who visited Hobart, Tasmania for the conference in 2004 may remember the library as it was then.

In early 2005, space constraints in the Division initiated a review of the library space. It has taken a long time, much planning and discussion and a great deal of work in the collection, but the library refurbishment is now complete.

The library has been reduced in size by about one third, which necessitated a great deal of reduction of the collection. We disposed of a great deal of material, either by offering to other libraries within CSIRO, Australia generally or overseas. Some items were identified for disposal and offered to staff,  which was a very very popular move. Staff regularly visited out “give-away” table and items were eagerly snapped up.

We now have a smaller, but more functional work space for the staff, and we were particularly pleased that we retained the general study and reading areas for staff to use. We also have an area allocated for virtual training and team meetings.

Meredith Hepburn

Joel MacKeen

Angela Webb


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Electronic Publications and the Narrowing of Science and Scholarship

Worth a read:

Electronic Publication and the Narrowing of Science and Scholarship

James A. Evans

Science, 18 July 2008 321: 395-399



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Article: Achieving OAI-PMH compliancy for CDS/ISIS databases




Dear Colleagues

For those of you with CDS/ISIS databases the following paper might be of interest and has been published in the Electronic Library 26(3) 2008 p. 411-421

The article is also available at

“Achieving OAI-PMH compliancy for CDS/ISIS databases”


The FAO Library catalogue is a CDS/ISIS application

The author, Stefka Kaloyanova, worked with Fred Merceur at IFREMER to enable harvesting of FAO fisheries / aquatic metadata by AVANO Collins

FAO Fisheries Library

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First Librarian’s Workshop ‘Cuban Fisheries Research Centre’

Along this June 2-6, at the ‘Cuban Fisheries Research Centre’ (Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras de Cuba, the First Librarian’s Workshop will be celebrated with the participation of the Marine Research Center (Centro de Investigaciones Marinas,, the “Andrés González Lines” Fisheries Maritime Institute (Instituto Marítimo Pesquero “Andrés González Lines”), the Oceanologic Institut (Instituto de Oceanología,, the Marine Bioproducts Center (Centro de Bioproductos Marinos,, the Technical and Scientific Information Institut (Instituto de Información Científica y Tecnológica, and other guests from specialised libraries in diverse subjects coming from other Cuban provinces.
The subjects were:
IAMSLIC and OceanDocs/UNESCO : Advances and Challenges
ASFA updating works
Online Publishers
IDICT bibliographic research
IDICT Technical and Scientific Forum Reference Services
CIP Library at Technical and Scientific Forums
For the 2008-2009 period an agreement was attained on these actions:
1.      To coordinate the CIP Library support regarding the Instituto Marítimo Pesquero “Andrés González Lines” (IMP) IAMSLIC affiliation and what concerns the OceanDocs international project.
2.      OceanDocs digital repository new institutions integration:
-         Marine Research Center (
-         Marine Bioproducts Center (
-         Havanna Bay Cleaning, Conservation and Development State Taskforce (GTE Bahía Habana)
-         Oceanological Institute (
-         “Andrés González Lines” Fisheries Maritime Institute
3.      Sending a letter from CIP ( to the CIM Direction () in order to the ASFA database inclusion of the ‘Revista de Investigaciones Marinas’ (Marine Research Journal,
4.      ASFA CDs network installation in CIM  ( and for all other institutions that are IAMSLIC new members.
5.      On October 14, 2008, to meet at a workshop to check out the national marine sciences libraries services and projects.
6.      To propose the “Andrés González Lines” Fisheries Maritime Institute librarians participation into the CIP ( Technical and Scientific Forums
7.      IMP historical web site design assessment through the CIP Historical Commission.
8.      2009 2nd Librarian’s Workshop at CIP aims definition, along a previous meeting.

Enma Fonseca

Head Librarian  ‘Cuban Fisheries Research Centre’

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new blog

A great idea for collaboration.

As usual IAMSLIC is right at the forefront of embracing new technologies.


Meredith Hepburn

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Picture of the week

It could be nice if we shared nice pictures of aquatic-related topics. I suggest that everybody who likes to share his photographic skills within the community, posts his/her work in this category. Pictures should be documented, and free for use by colleagues.

What do you think?

Jan Haspeslagh

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