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INTERVIEW WITH AN IAMSLIC LIBRARIAN: Miraneta Williams-Hazelman from Samoa


Many of us will be lucky to meet personally at the next 41st Conference, others can be met through these interviews,  in a short and informal virtual manner and with a touch of some personal likes or dislikes. It is in English language for IAMSLIC international but, my suggestion: each one can share it in their own language for the Regional Group. Miraneta, from PIRG and from SPREP (Secretariat for the Pacific Regional Environment Programme), Apia, Samoa, thank you for accepting introducing yourself this way and letting us know you better !

Interview with Miraneta Williams-Hazelman (pdf version)


Guillermina (IAMSLIC President 2014-2015)

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This is a new format to introduce ourselves professionally in a friendly, short and informal manner and with a touch of some personal likes or dislikes. It is in English language for IAMSLIC international but, my suggestion: each one can share it in their own language for the Regional Group. Anne, from Wisconsin’s Water Library, USA and SAIL, thank you for accepting introducing yourself this way and letting us know you better !

Interview with Anne Moser (pdf version)


Guillermina (IAMSLIC President 2014-2015)

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Promoting Open Knowledge and Open Science. Report of the Current State of Repositories

I share with those interested in these topics, a report dated May 21st, produced by the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) on behalf of the COAR Aligning Repository Networks Committee

Lead author: Kathleen Shearer, Executive Director, COAR- Contributors:  Bianca Amaro, IBICT, Brazil- Paola A. Azrilevich, MINCYT, Argentina- Dominique Babini, CLACSO, Argentina- Gerald Beasley, University of Alberta, Canada – Alberto Cabezas, LA Referencia, Chile – Donatella Castelli, National Research Council, Italy – Wolfram Horstmann, University of Goettingen, Germany- Heather Joseph, SPARC, United States- Iryna Kuchma, EIFL- Carmen Gloria Labbé, REDCLARA, Chile- Norbert Lossau, University of Goettingen, Germany -Rick Luce, United States- Katharina Mueller, COAR – Kostas Repanas, A*STAR, Singapore – Oya Rieger, arXiv – Eloy Rodrigues, COAR/OpenAIRE, Portugal- Judy Ruttenberg, Association of Research Libraries- Andrew Sallans, Centre for Open Science, United States- Daisy Selematsela, National Research Foundation, South Africa- Bishen Singh, National Research Foundation, South Africa- Marta Viragos, University of Debrecen, Hungary- Kazu Yamaji, National Institute of Informatics, Japan – Tyler Walters, SHARE, United States- Xiaolin Zhang, National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences

About COAR: COAR, the Confederation of Open Access Repositories, is an international association with over 100 members and partners from five continents representing universities, research institutions, government research funders, and others. COAR’s mission is to enhance the visibility and application of research outputs through a global network of open access digital repositories. COAR brings together the major repository initiatives in order to align policies and practices and acts as a global voice for the repository community.

Guillermina Cosulich- IAMSLIC President 2014-2015

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German Libraries ‘Anthem’

Here is the link to the German Libraries ‘Anthem’:

I tried to do some translation into English (without any guarantee)…

Have fun!!



Library’s anthem

If you as a human being are standing at the window

And you are centering on yourself again

Go out, go your way

Go into the Library



Book food, new land

Library and expertise

Book food, new land

Library and expertise



Thinking, counter, databases, classroom, library ticket, ebooks

Silence, text book, systematics, truth, curiosity, chairs


If we lose or win

If we are thinking all alone or all together

For education and future

Library, meeting place



Book food, new land

Library and expertise

Book food, new land

Library and expertise



Displays, chances, library busses, tables,

Self checkout,

Books, opacs, entertainment, long time preservation


Digitized object, digitized object, digitized object, digitized objects

Online catalogue, online catalogue, online catalogue, online catalogues



Book food, new land

Library and expertise

Book food, new land

Library and expertise





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Call for proposals: deadline May 9

Call for Proposals for IAMSLIC 2010 closes the 9th May 2010.

Ensure you have your abstract to me before the deadline. For full information check the Call for Proposals link on the Conference website.

Marcia Croy-Vanwely, Chair Iamslic 2010 “Netting Knowledge: Two Hemispheres – One World”

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Call for proposals for the 36th IAMSLIC Conference

Dear Colleagues,

The planning for the 36th IAMSLIC Conference is well underway. But we need one crucial element — you!
We invite submissions of proposals for papers, posters, workshops, and panel session.

Since the theme is Netting Knowledge: Two Hemispheres-One World , we are looking for your insights on sharing and managing marine & aquatic science data, information and knowledge and its retrieval, renewal and use. How are we adopting, negotiating, repelling, embracing and developing strategies to provide the best possible knowledge and information services to our clientele?

Some potential topics:

  • Information/knowledge services for our clients: new capabilities, new utilities, new opportunities, new problems
  • Dealing with digital media
  • Creating savvy researchers: extending theoretical knowledge to field research
  • Assessment: website performance measures; survey design; partnerships
  • Importance of research and documentation in the digital age
  • Collaboration with staff/faculty and becoming part of the publishing team
  • Disaster planning around the world
  • User advisory committees; user-driven services; improvements to existing services
  • Writing successful grant applications
  • Personnel: successful recruitment, coaching and retirement

For complete details, including what to include in your proposal, see the conference web site.

Please email conference proposals to by April 9, 2010.

We look forward to receiving your proposal and hope you will be able to join us in Argentina in October.

Marcia Croy Vanwely, Chair/Convenor IAMSLIC 2010

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Periodical Title/Abbreviation Source

CASSI, the CAS Source Index is now freely available on the web and it contains more than just chemistry titles, so if you need a source for titles/abbreviations you might want to take a look:

Barb Butler

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Easy opportunities to promote open access

At last week’s conference, a number of speakers touched on issues related to open access publishing. Here is a link to a concise set of tips for using various situations as opportunities to discuss and inform on open access issues and related topics.  Interesting — and useful!

–Steve Watkins, California State University, Monterey Bay, Library

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Arrival in Brugge, Belgium : Where the wild things are

After traveling for a year and a day, I and my daughter, Lily, joined the rest of the “Wild Things” in Brugge, Belgium.  Some of you know the wild, hair-raising details of me shepherding a 15 year old through the wilds of continental Europe, others don’t need to know.  Thank you to Marcel Branneman, who we met on the platform in Brussels, for a calming, interesting and enlightening conversation (all on his end, I’m a blond) then helping get my darling child to the hotel in Brugge. We’re here and we’re ready for action.

Ok, so the IAMSLIC membership is not really “Wild Things”, but we are quite a rambunctious lot of librarians who are ready to take on all things aquatic, marine and library-related in order to serve our customers better and improve the return-on-investment for our various institutions.  Some of us have so little investment to begin with, this trip is pure profit for our organizations.

I look forward to tomorrow with the walking tour of Brugge, though I may send just my daughter with my camera as my body is in revolt from the stress of the past 36 hours of travel. If nothing else, I’ll be getting the Guin Auction ready for bidding action and helping with registration. Can’t wait to meet all my new friends and see all my returning friends.

PS For those who are unfamiliar, “Where the Wild Things Are” is a children’s book by Maurice Sendak.  The movie adaptation is due to be released in the U.S. on October 16, 2009.

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Copyright Permission for deposits into Aquatic Commons

I have now deposited three dissertations into the Aquatic Commons along with a number of student papers.  In doing this, I have modified the form the Aquatic Commons had for obtaining copyright permission.  Their original form was written from the perspective of an organization giving permission.  In the materials I have been dealing with, I am working with individual authors.  Stephanie has taken my template and posted it on the IAMSLIC web page (URL link is below).  It is a MS Word document that I edit and then save as a PDF to send to the author to sign.  Once I have a signed copy, I send the PDF to Lisa Raymond to keep on file at the IAMSLIC archives at Woods Hole.

Joe Wible

Hopkins Marine Station

Contributor Agreement for Theses & Dissertations

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