Let’s get to know each other!
We will periodically (each month) feature an active AFRIAMSLIC member, either individuals or Organisations and tell a little bit about them.
Saida Messaoudi

Ms Saida is the Director of the Library at the National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies (INSTM) in Tunis (Tunisia) since 18 years. Since the INSTM Library is granted as an IODE Associate Information Unit (AIU) in October 2018, Saida is the contact person of IODE -AIU.
Alice Endra

Alice earned a Bachelors degree in Library and Information Science in the year1999 from Makerere University in Kampala Uganda and Master of Science in Library and Information Science in 2002 and Master of Science in Computer Science (2008) all from Makerere University in Uganda.
Geoffrey SALANJE

Geoffrey earned a Bachelor’s degree in Social Science (majoring in Sociology, Statistics and Management) – University of Malawi (1985); Post-Graduate diploma in Library Studies – University of Botswana (1988) and a Masters degree in Library Studies – University of Wales, UK (1991).